generated at

[*** \mathrm{set}^1] |set|

point 置く
put: 最も一般的な語で漠然と何かを置く行為をいう
lay: 自動詞lieに対応する他動詞で何らかの目的で注意深く横あるいは平らになるように置くこと
place: 〘ややかたく〙 で配置に気をつけて注意深く置くこと
set: 〘書〙 で特に後に何らかの目的で使うために配置に気をつけて置くこと

verb (sets, setting; past and past participle set)
1. with object and usually with adverbial put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position:
⦅書⦆ ; 〖set A+副詞〗 (ある場所に)Aを(慎重に)置く, 並べる, 立てかける
e.g. Dana set the mug of tea down
e.g. Catherine set a chair by the bed.
(be set) be situated or fixed in a specified place or position:
〖通例be ~〗 〈建物などが〉 «…に» 位置している(be situated) «in, on»
e.g. the village was set among olive groves on a hill.
represent (a story, play, movie, or scene) as happening at a specified time or in a specified place:
〖通例be ~〗 〈劇・小説・映画など(の舞台)が〉 «…に/…を背景に» 設定される «in, at/against»
e.g. a spy novel set in Berlin.
mount a precious stone in (something, typically a piece of jewelry):
〖通例be ~〗 〈壁・指輪などに〉 【物が】はめ[埋め]込まれている «with» ; 〈物が〉 【壁・指輪などに】はめ[埋め]込まれている «in, into»
e.g. a bracelet set with emeralds.
mount (a precious stone) in something.
Printing arrange (type) as required.
〘印〙 〈本など〉の活字を組む
Printing arrange the type for (a piece of text):
e.g. article headings will be set in Times fourteen point.
prepare (a table) for a meal by placing cutlery, dishes, etc., on it in their proper places.
«…のために» 〈食卓〉の用意をする «for»
(set something to) provide (music) so that a written work can be produced in a musical form:
【曲を】〈詞〉に付ける «to» ; …を編曲する
e.g. she set his poem to music.
no object (of a dancer) acknowledge another dancer, typically one's partner, using the steps prescribed:
e.g. the gentleman sets to and turns with the lady on his left hand.
cause (a hen) to sit on eggs.
put (a seed or plant) in the ground to grow.
〈花・子房が〉実になる; 〈実が〉なる
Sailing put (a sail) up in position to catch the wind:
e.g. a safe distance from shore all sails were set. See also set sail below.
2. with object and usually with adverbial put or bring into a specified state:
〖set AC〗 AをC〈状態〉にする (!Cは〖形容詞〗)
e.g. with object and complement : the hostages were set free
e.g. plunging oil prices set in motion an economic collapse in Houston.
cause (someone or something) to start doing something:
〖set Adoing〗 A〈人・物〉に…し始めさせる
e.g. the incident set me thinking.
with object and infinitive instruct (someone) to do something:
〖set A to do〗 〈人が〉A〈人・機械〉に…し始めさせる;
e.g. he'll set a man to watch you.
give someone (a task):
〖set (A) B/B(for A)〗 (A〈人〉に)B〈目標・任務〉を課す, (Aに)B〈制限など〉を設ける(assign) (!Bがoneselfの場合もある)
e.g. with two objects : the problem we have been set.
devise (a test) and give it to someone to do.
⦅英⦆〖~ A B〗 A〈生徒など〉にB〈課題など〉を出す;〖~ A for B〗 B〈試験〉のためのA〈問題〉を書く作る(⦅米⦆ make up), B〈講座〉のためにA〈参考書など〉を指定する(→ set book)
establish as (an example) for others to follow, copy, or try to achieve:
〈記録・前例・雰囲気など〉を作る, …を打ち立てる, 確立する(establish); 〖set A for B〗 B〈人など〉にA〈手本・基準・論調など〉を示す (!時にset A to B [B A]の型でも用いられる)
e.g. the scheme sets a precedent for other companies.
e.g. his time in the 25-meter freestyle set a national record.
decide on:
«…のために» 〈日時・価格・目標など〉を決める
e.g. they set a date for a full hearing at the end of February.
fix (a price, value, or limit) on something:
〈規則・基準・条件・制限など〉を定める(fix) «for»
e.g. the unions had set a limit on the size of the temporary workforce.
3. with object adjust (a clock or watch), typically to show the right time.
〈時計・ビデオなど〉を合わせる; «…する/…に/時刻に» 〈タイマー・ビデオなど〉を設定する «to do/to, at, on/for»
adjust (a device or its controls) so that it performs a particular operation:
e.g. you have to be careful not to set the volume too high.
Electronics cause (a binary device) to enter the state representing the numeral 1.
4. no object harden into a solid or semisolid state:
〈液状・ゼラチン状のものが〉(ゆっくりと)固まる; 〈染料などが〉固着する, 染みつく
e.g. cook for a further thirty-five minutes until the filling has set.
with object arrange (the hair) while damp so that it dries in the required style:
(濡れているうちに)〈髪〉を整える, セットする
e.g. she had set her hair on small rollers.
with object put parts of (a broken or dislocated bone or limb) into the correct position for healing.
〈骨〉を接ぐ, 整骨する, 固定する
(of a bone) be restored to its normal condition by knitting together again after being broken:
e.g. dogs' bones soon set.
(with reference to a person's face) assume or cause to assume a fixed or rigid expression:
⦅書⦆ (怒り・悲しみなどで)〈表情が〉こわばる
e.g. her features never set into a civil parade of attention
⦅文⦆ (決意で)〈顔の表情〉をこわばらせる, 固くする (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. with object : Travis's face was set as he looked up.
(of the eyes) become fixed in position or in the feeling they are expressing:
e.g. his bright eyes set in an expression of mocking amusement.
(of a hunting dog) adopt a rigid attitude indicating the presence of game.
5. no object (of the sun, moon, or another celestial body) appear to move toward and below the earth's horizon as the earth rotates:
〈太陽・月が〉沈む(↔ rise; → horizon, sunset)
e.g. the sun was setting and a warm red glow filled the sky.
6. no object, with adverbial of direction (of a tide or current) take or have a specified direction or course:
〈風・流れ・時代の傾向などが〉 «…に» 向かう «to»
e.g. a fair tide can be carried well past Land's End before the stream sets to the north.
7. with object chiefly North American start (a fire).
«…に» 〈火〉をつける «to»
8. with object (of blossom or a tree) develop into or produce (fruit).
no object (of fruit) develop from blossom.
(of a plant) produce (seed):
e.g. the herb has flowered and started to set seed.
9. dialect sit:
⦅くだけて・方言⦆ 座る(sit)
e.g. a perfect lady—just set in her seat and stared.

have a strong desire for or to do:
e.g. she had her heart set on going to college.

hoist the sails of a vessel.
begin a voyage:
e.g. tomorrow we set sail for France.

clench one's teeth together.
become resolute:
e.g. they have set their teeth against a change which would undermine their prospects of forming a government.

do something to begin a process or put a plan into action.

see shop.

inform someone of the truth of a situation.

1. start doing something with vigor or determination:
e.g. it would be far better to admit the problem openly and set about tackling it.
2. British informal attack (someone).

cause someone to be in opposition or conflict with:
e.g. he hadn't meant any harm but his few words had set her against him.

offset something against:
e.g. wives' allowances can henceforth be set against investment income.

give someone an air of unusual superiority:
e.g. his blunt views set him apart.

separate something and keep it for a special purpose:
e.g. there were books and rooms set apart as libraries.

1. save or keep something, typically money or time, for a particular purpose:
e.g. the bank expected to set aside about $700 million for restructuring.
remove land from agricultural production:
e.g. with 15% of land set aside, cereal production will fall
e.g. as adjective : using his set-aside acreage to work clover into his rotation.
2. annul a legal decision or process.

1. delay or impede the progress of someone or something:
e.g. this incident undoubtedly set back research.
2. informal (of a purchase) cost someone a particular amount of money:
e.g. that must have set you back a bit.

archaic or US dated save something for future use.

British stop and allow someone to alight from a vehicle.

record something in writing.
establish something authoritatively as a rule or principle to be followed:
e.g. the Association set down codes of practice for all members to comply with.

archaic begin a journey or trip.

state or describe something in writing or speech:
e.g. the principles and aims set forth in the Charter.

(of something unpleasant or unwelcome) begin and seem likely to continue:
e.g. less hardy plants should be brought inside before cold weather sets in.

insert something, especially a sleeve, into a garment.

begin a journey.

cause someone to start doing something, especially laughing or talking:
e.g. anything will set him off laughing.

1. detonate a bomb.
cause an alarm to go off.
cause a series of things to occur:
e.g. the fear is that this could set off a chain reaction in other financial markets.
2. serve as decorative embellishment to:
e.g. a pink carnation set off nicely by a red bow tie and cream shirt.

offset something against:
e.g. any rental paid must of course be set off against any income tax payable.

attack (someone) violently.
set someone/something on (or upon)
cause or urge a person or animal to attack:
e.g. I was asked to leave and threatened with having dogs set upon me.

begin a journey.
aim or intend to do something:
e.g. she drew up a plan of what her organization should set out to achieve.

arrange or display something in a particular order or position.
present information or ideas in a well-ordered way in writing or speech:
e.g. this chapter sets out the debate surrounding pluralism.

begin doing something vigorously:
e.g. she set to with bleach and scouring pads to render the vases spotless.

1. establish someone in a particular capacity or role:
e.g. his father set him up in business.
informal arrange a meeting between one person and another, with the aim of encouraging a romantic relationship between them:
e.g. Todd tried to set her up with one of his friends.
2. restore or enhance the health of someone:
e.g. after my operation the doctor recommended a cruise to set me up again.
3. informal make an innocent person appear guilty of something:
e.g. suppose Zielinski had set him up for Ingram's murder?

1. place or erect something in position:
e.g. police set up a roadblock on Tenth Street.
2. establish a business, institution, or other organization.
make the arrangements necessary for something:
e.g. he asked if I would like him to set up a meeting with the president.
3. begin making a loud sound.

establish oneself in (a particular occupation):
e.g. he set himself up as an attorney in St. Louis.
claim to be or act like a specified kind of person (used to indicate skepticism as to someone's right or ability to do so):
e.g. he set himself up as a crusader for higher press and broadcasting standards.

archaic start on a journey.

Set, meaning ‘place or put,’ is mainly a transitive verb and takes a direct object: set the flowers on top of the piano. Sit, meaning ‘be seated,’ is mainly intransitive and does not take a direct object: sit in this chair while I check the light meter.

Old English settan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zetten, German setzen, also to sit.

[*** \mathrm{set}^2] |set|

〖しばしばa ~ of A〗 ひとそろいのA, Aのセット, A一式 (!単複両扱い)
e.g. a set of false teeth
e.g. a new cell with two sets of chromosomes
e.g. a spare set of clothes.
a collection of implements, containers, or other objects customarily used together for a specific purpose:
(ゲーム用品などの)ひとそろい, ひと組
e.g. an electric fondue set.
⦅時に非難して⦆ 〖通例単数形で; 集合的に; 単複両扱い〗(同様の興味をもち行動を共にする)一団の人々, 連中
e.g. it was a fashionable haunt of the literary set.
(in tennis, darts, and other games) a group of games counting as a unit toward a match, only the player or side that wins a defined number or proportion of the games being awarded a point toward the final score:
〘スポーツ〙 (テニス・バレーボールなどの)セット(→ game)
e.g. he took the first set 6-3.
(in jazz or popular music) a sequence of songs or pieces performed together and constituting or forming part of a live show or recording:
1セッション〘ジャズ・ポピュラー音楽でひと続きで演奏される曲〙; (30分程度の)ステージ
e.g. a short four-song set.
a group of people making up the required number for a square dance or similar country dance.
〘ダンス〙 (カドリールを踊るのに必要な)ペアの数; ダンスの動き.
a fixed number of repetitions of a particular bodybuilding exercise. Compare with rep5.
Mathematics & Logic a collection of distinct entities regarded as a unit, being either individually specified or (more usually) satisfying specified conditions:
〘数〙 集合
e.g. the set of all positive integers.
2. in singular the way in which something is set, disposed, or positioned:
(体の)構え, 姿勢; (のこぎりの)歯の反り具合; (心の)構え; (世論などの)動向, 風潮; (衣服の)着心地, 合い具合; (帽子などの)かぶり具合
e.g. the shape and set of the eyes.
the posture or attitude of a part of the body, typically in relation to the impression this gives of a person's feelings or intentions:
〖単数形で; 通例the ~〗 (特に決意などを表すときの) «…の» 表情, 様子, 姿勢 «of» .
e.g. the determined set of her upper torso.
the flow of a current or tide in a particular direction:
〖通例the ~〗 (風・潮などの)向き
e.g. the rudder kept the dinghy straight against the set of the tide.
(also dead set) a setter's pointing in the presence of game.
〘狩猟〙 (獲物を見つけた時の猟犬の)不動の姿勢
a warp or bend in wood, metal, or another material caused by continued strain or pressure.
(テレビ)受像機, (ラジオ)受信機; (ヘッドフォン)装置
e.g. a TV set.
4. a collection of scenery, stage furniture, and other articles used for a particular scene in a play or film.
⦅米⦆ (演劇・映画などの)大道具, 舞台装置, セット(setting)
the place or area in which filming is taking place or a play is performed:
e.g. the magazine has interviews on set with top directors.
5. an arrangement of the hair when damp so that it dries in the required style:
e.g. a shampoo and set.
6. a cutting, young plant, or bulb used in the propagation of new plants.
(タマネギの)苗, さし芽(shoot, slip)
a young fruit that has just formed.
7. the last coat of plaster on a wall.
8. Printing the amount of spacing in type controlling the distance between letters.
〘印〙 (活字の)幅; 文字間隔(set width)
the width of a piece of type.
9. variant spelling of sett.

late Middle English: partly from Old French sette, from Latin sectasect’, partly from set1.

[*** \mathrm{set}^3] |set|

あらかじめ決められた, 定められた(established, fixed); 規定通りの
e.g. there is no set procedure.
(of a view or habit) unlikely to change:
〈意見・信念などが〉不変の, 固定した; 決意の固い; 頑固な, 変える意志を持たない
e.g. I've been on my own a long time and I'm rather set in my ways.
(of a person's expression) held for an unnaturally long time without changing, typically as a reflection of determination.
⦅文⦆ 〖通例名詞の前で〗こわばった(rigid), 不自然な, 作った〈表情・笑いなど〉
(of a meal or menu in a restaurant) offered at a fixed price with a limited choice of dishes.
⦅英⦆ 定まった〈メニュー・食事など〉, 定食の
e.g. witnesses often delivered their testimony according to a set speech. See also set phrase.
2. predicative ready, prepared, or likely to do something:
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖be ~〗 «…する/…の» 用意ができている «to do/for»
e.g. the first family was set for a quiet night of rest
e.g. both are all set to get married
e.g. with infinitive : water costs look set to increase.
〖be (dead) ~〗 «…(すること)に反対しようと/…(すること)を» (強く)心に決めている «against (doing)/on upon (doing)»
e.g. an approach set against tradition and authority.
(set on) determined to do (something):
e.g. he's set on marrying that girl.

late Old English, past participle of set1.