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[*** \mathrm{slip}^1] |slip|

1. no object (of a person or animal) slide unintentionally for a short distance, typically losing one's balance or footing:
«…の上で» 〈人・物が〉(誤って)すべる, 踏みはずす, 〈人が〉(つるっと)すべって転ぶ(over) «on» (!「意図的に滑走する」はslide)
e.g. I slipped on the ice
e.g. he kept slipping in the mud.
with adverbial of direction (of a thing) accidentally slide or move out of position or from someone's grasp:
〖slip+副詞〗 〈物が〉 «…を/…の上に/…から» すべり落ちる(down) «down/over, onto/out of, from»
e.g. the envelope slipped through Luke's fingers
e.g. a wisp of hair had slipped down over her face.
fail to grip or make proper contact with a surface:
〈車が〉スリップする (!この意味ではskidが普通) ; 〈飛行機などが〉横すべりする
e.g. the front wheels began to slip
e.g. (as adjective slipping) : a badly slipping clutch.
⦅比喩的に⦆ 〈時が〉あっという間に過ぎ去る(by, away, along)
e.g. the night was slipping away.
2. with adverbial of direction go or move quietly or quickly, without attracting notice:
〖slip+副詞〗 〈人・物が〉 «…に/…から» こっそりと動く, すべるように動く(out, through, off) «into/out of, from»
e.g. we slipped out by a back door.
with object and adverbial of direction put (something) in a particular place or position quietly, quickly, or stealthily:
〖slip A in B/into B〗 B〈場所〉にA〈物〉をすべり込ませる; 〖slip A from B/out of B〗 B〈場所〉からA〈金・手紙など〉をそっと出す; 〖slip A to B/BA〗 B〈人〉にA〈物〉をそっと[さっと]渡す
e.g. she slipped the map into her pocket
e.g. with two objects : I slipped him a ten-spot to keep quiet.
slip into:〈ゆったりした服・靴など〉をさっと着る[履く, 身につける]
slip out of: 〈服・靴など〉をさっと脱ぐ
3. pass or change to a lower, worse, or different condition, typically in a gradual or imperceptible way:
〈人・能力などが〉衰える; 〈状況などが〉悪化する(back); 〈人気・緊張感などが〉低下する
e.g. many people feel standards have slipped
e.g. with complement : profits slipped 31 percent.
(be slipping) informal be behaving in a way that is not up to one's usual level of performance:
e.g. you're slipping, Joe—you need a vacation.
4. with object escape or get loose from (a means of restraint):
〈拘束〉から脱する, 逃げる
e.g. the giant balloon slipped its moorings.
no object (slip out) (of a remark) be uttered inadvertently.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈発言などが〉うっかり口にされる
(of a thought or fact) fail to be remembered by (one's mind or memory); elude (one's notice):
⦅比喩的に⦆ 【記憶などから】消える «from, out of»; 〈心・記憶〉から消える
e.g. a beautiful woman's address was never likely to slip his mind.
release (an animal, typically a hunting dog) from restraint.
【鎖などから】〈犬など〉を放す «from, off» , 〈苦役・心配〉から抜け出る; 〈犬が〉〈首輪など〉を解く(untie), はずす
Knitting move (a stitch) to the other needle without knitting it.

すべること; すべって転ぶこと, スリップ
e.g. a single slip could send them plummeting down the mountainside.
relative movement of an object or surface and a solid surface in contact with it.
a reduction in the movement of a pulley or other mechanism due to slipping of the belt, rope, etc.
a sideways movement of an aircraft in flight, typically downward toward the center of curvature of a turn.
2. a fall to a lower level or standard:
〖通例単数形〗【価格などの】低下, 下落 «in»
e.g. a continued slip in house prices.
(不注意による)間違い, 過失(mistake, blunder)
e.g. the judge made a slip in his summing up.
(女性用)下着, スリップ
e.g. a silk slip.
4. a slope built leading into water, used for launching and landing boats and ships or for building and repairing them.
〖the ~s〗 (水中へ傾斜した)造船台, 修理用船台(slipway)
a space in which to dock a boat or ship, especially between two wharves or piers.
5. a leash which enables a dog to be released quickly.
6. Knitting short for slip stitch:
e.g. one color at a time should be knitted in striped slip.

informal evade or escape from someone.

1. reveal something inadvertently in the course of a conversation:
e.g. with clause : Alex had let slip he was married.
2. archaic release a hound from the leash so as to begin the chase:
e.g. let slip the dogs of war.

lose hold or possession of something.

slip of the pen (or the tongue)
a minor mistake in writing (or speech).

proverb many things can go wrong between the start of a project and its completion; nothing is certain until it has happened.

depart without saying goodbye; leave quietly or surreptitiously.
slowly disappear; recede or dwindle:
e.g. his ability to concentrate is slipping away.
die peacefully (used euphemistically):
e.g. he lay there and quietly slipped away.

insert a remark smoothly or adroitly into a conversation:
e.g. she slipped in a question about the length of time he'd been working on the assignment.

informal make a careless error:
e.g. they often slipped up when it came to spelling.

informal take advantage of (someone) by trickery.

Middle English (in the sense ‘move quickly and softly’): probably from Middle Low German slippen (verb); compare with slippery.

[*** \mathrm{slip}^2] |slip|

1. a small piece of paper, typically a form for writing on or one giving printed information:
小さな[細長い]紙[用紙]; 伝票
e.g. his monthly salary slip
e.g. complete the tear-off slip below.
a long, narrow strip of a thin material such as wood.
2. a cutting taken from a plant for grafting or planting; a scion.
〘園芸〙 つぎ穂, 挿し枝

used to denote a small, slim person:
e.g. you are little more than a slip of a girl.


[*** \mathrm{slip}^3] |slip|

a creamy mixture of clay, water, and typically a pigment, used especially for decorating earthenware.

mid 17th century: of obscure origin; compare with Norwegian slip(a)slime’.