generated at

point 痩せている
thin: 人が「やせている」ことを表す最も一般的な語
slim: 魅力的にやせていることをいい, 通例女性, 時に男性に〘ほめて〙 用いる
slender: 通例女性が魅力的かつ優美にやせていることを示し, 〘主に書〙 で〘ほめて〙 用いる
lean: ぜい肉がなく, 筋肉質であることをいい, 〘主に書〙 で通例〘ほめて〙 用いる
skinny: 〘くだけて〙 で, 見ていて不快でみっともないほどやせていることをいい, 通例〘けなして〙
underweight: 主に人が標準体重に達しておらずやせて健康でないことをいい, thinの婉曲語として〘しばしばけなして〙 用いる

adjective (thinner, thinnest)
〈物が〉薄い; 〈紙・布などが〉薄手の(↔ thick)
e.g. thin slices of bread.
(of a garment or other knitted or woven item) made of light material for coolness or elegance.
(of a garment) having had a considerable amount of fabric worn away.
(of script or type) consisting of narrow lines:
〈針金・線などが〉細い(↔ thick)
e.g. tall, thin lettering.
2. (of a person) having little, or too little, flesh or fat on their body:
〈人・動物が〉やせて, 〈手・足・まゆが〉細い, 〈唇が〉薄い, 〈顔が〉(病気で)やせ細った(↔ fat) (!⦅米⦆ ではslimと同様に⦅ほめて⦆ 用いることもあるが, ⦅英⦆ では中立的または⦅けなして⦆ 用い, やせすぎであることを暗示)
e.g. she was painfully thin.
3. having few parts or members relative to the area covered or filled; sparse:
〈群衆などが〉まばらな, 閑散とした
e.g. a depressingly thin crowd
〈髪などが〉薄い, まばらな; 〈葉などが〉茂っていない
e.g. his hair was going thin.
〈霧・煙などが〉薄い; 〈空気・気体が〉薄い, 希薄な
e.g. the thin cold air of the mountains.
Climbing denoting a route on which the holds are small or scarce.
〈液体が〉薄い, 水っぽい, 〈酒が〉弱い
e.g. thin soup.
〈議論・説明などが〉説得力のない, 内容の薄い; 〈情報が〉(量の)乏しい, 大ざっぱな
e.g. the evidence is rather thin.
e.g. a thin, reedy little voice.
(of a smile) weak and forced.

adverb often in combination
薄く, 細く〈切るなど〉
e.g. cut it as thin as possible
e.g. thin-sliced ham.

…の数[量]を減らす; 〈群衆など〉をまばらにする
e.g. with object : the remorseless fire of archers thinned their ranks
e.g. no object : the trees began to thin out
e.g. (as adjective thinning) : thinning hair.
with object remove some plants from (a row or area) to allow the others more room to grow:
e.g. thin out overwintered rows of peas.
e.g. with object : if the soup is too thick, add a little water to thin it down
e.g. no object : the blood thins.
〈物〉を薄く[細く]する; 〈人〉をやせさせる(down)
e.g. with object : their effect in thinning the ozone layer is probably slowing the global warming trend
〈物が〉薄く[細く]なる; 〈人が〉やせる(down)
e.g. no object : the trees have thinned and diminished in size.
3. with object Golf hit (a ball) above its center.

see ice.

used to refer to the state of being invisible or nonexistent:
e.g. she just vanished into thin air
e.g. they seemed to pluck numbers out of thin air.

informal used to refer to the police, typically in the context of situations of civil unrest.

see wedge1.

informal balding.

thinnish |ˈTHiniSH| adjective

Old English thynne, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dun and German dünn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin tenuis.