generated at

point 痩せた
thin: 人が「やせている」ことを表す最も一般的な語(↑ 2注記)
slim: 魅力的にやせていることをいい, 通例女性, 時に男性に〘ほめて〙 用いる
slender: 通例女性が魅力的かつ優美にやせていることを示し, 〘主に書〙 で〘ほめて〙 用いる
lean: ぜい肉がなく, 筋肉質であることをいい, 〘主に書〙 で通例〘ほめて〙 用いる
skinny: 〘くだけて〙 で, 見ていて不快でみっともないほどやせていることをいい, 通例〘けなして〙
underweight: 主に人が標準体重に達しておらずやせて健康でないことをいい, thinの婉曲語として〘しばしばけなして〙 用いる

adjective (slimmer, slimmest)
1. (of a person or their build) gracefully thin; slenderly built (used approvingly):
⦅ほめて⦆ 〈人・体の一部などが〉ほっそりした, 細身の, スリムな (!通例女性, 時に男性の引き締まって魅力的な体型を意味する)
e.g. her slim figure
e.g. the girls were tall and slim.
(of a thing) small in width and typically long and narrow in shape:
e.g. a slim gold band encircled her wrist.
(of a garment) cut on slender lines; designed to make the wearer appear slim:
e.g. a pair of slim, immaculately cut slacks.
(of a business or other organization) reduced to a smaller size in the hope that it will become more efficient.
〈会社・組織などが〉縮小された, スリム化された
2. (of something abstract, especially a chance or margin) very small:
〈可能性などが〉わずかな, 少ない
e.g. there was just a slim chance of success
e.g. the evidence is slim.

verb (slims, slimming, slimmed) no object British
make oneself thinner by dieting and sometimes exercising:
(ダイエット・運動などで)やせる; (規模を)縮小する(down)
e.g. (as noun slimming) : an aid to slimming
e.g. I need to slim down a bit.
with object make (a person or a bodily part) thinner:
«…まで» 〈人〉をやせさせる
e.g. how can I slim down my hips?
with object reduce (a business or other organization) to a smaller size in the hope of making it more efficient:
〈人数・規模など〉を削減する, 縮小する(down) «to» .
e.g. restructuring and slimming down the organization.

noun (also slim disease)
African term for AIDS.

slimly adverb
slimness |ˈslimnəs| noun

mid 17th century: from Low German or Dutch (from a base meaning ‘slanting, cross, bad’), of Germanic origin. The pejorative sense found in Dutch and German existed originally in the English noun slimlazy or worthless person’; compare with the South African usage ‘crafty, sly’ (slim (sense 3 of the adjective) ).