verb with object
«…から/…へ» 〈大きさ・数量・価格など〉を減少させる, 減らす «from/to»
e.g. the need for businesses to reduce costs
e.g. the workforce has been reduced to some 6,100
e.g. (as adjective
reduced) : a reduced risk of coronary disease.
〈物・事が〉 «…まで» 減少する «to»
e.g. the number of priority homeless cases has reduced slightly.
〈液体が〉 «…な状態に» 煮詰まる
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 〈人が〉 【ある体重まで】(節食をして)やせる, 減量する «to» .
e.g. by May she had reduced to 125 pounds.
〈ネガ〉(の濃度)を薄くする, 減力する
〖通例be ~d〗 【好ましくない状態などに】(無理に)変えられる; «…に» 降格させられる «to»
e.g. she has been reduced to near poverty
e.g. the church was reduced to rubble.
«…する» 羽目になる «to doing»
e.g. ordinary soldiers are reduced to begging.
e.g. Olga was reduced to stunned silence.
e.g. he succeeds in reducing his grandees to due obedience.
〖通例be ~d〗 【より単純な形に】まとめられる, 還元される «to»
e.g. it is difficult to understand how lava could have been reduced to dust.
e.g. he reduces unimaginable statistics to manageable proportions.
〘数〙 〈分数〉を約分, 通分する
〘化〙 …を還元する
〘医〙 〈脱臼など〉を整復する, 正常に戻す
⦅古⦆ 〈都市など〉を征服する, 制圧する.
used euphemistically to refer to the state of being poor after being relatively wealthy:
e.g. a divorcee living in reduced circumstances.
demote a noncommissioned officer to an ordinary soldier.