generated at
[*** \mathrm{sound}^1] | sound |

1. vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear:
音, 音響; 物音; 音波
e.g. light travels faster than sound.
a thing that can be heard:
(テレビ・ラジオなどの)音声; 〖the ~〗 音量(volume)
e.g. she heard the sound of voices in the hall
e.g. don't make a sound.
the area or distance within which something can be heard:
⦅英⦆ 聞こえる範囲
e.g. we were always within sound of the train whistles.
2. (also musical sound) sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise.
〖通例単数形で〗(ある歌手・グループなどに特有の)サウンド; ⦅英・くだけて⦆ ; 〖~s〗 (CDなどの)音楽
3. music, speech, and sound effects when recorded, used to accompany a film or video production, or broadcast:
e.g. as modifier : a sound studio.
the distinctive quality of the music of a particular composer or performer or of the sound produced by a particular musical instrument:
e.g. the sound of the Beatles.
(sounds) informal music, especially popular music:
e.g. sounds of the Sixties.
4. the ideas or impressions conveyed by words:
〖単数形で〗(言葉・手紙などが人に与える)印象, 調子, 響き
e.g. you've had a hard day, by the sound of it.

1. emit or cause to emit sound:
〖sound C/+副詞〗 Cに聞こえる, 響く
e.g. no object : a loud buzzer sounded
〈人が〉〈ベル・らっぱなど〉を鳴らす, …の音を立てる
e.g. with object : she sounded the horn.
with object give an audible signal to indicate (something):
e.g. a different bell begins to sound midnight.
with object express or convey (a warning):
e.g. pharmaceutical companies are sounding the alarm about counterfeit drugs.
with object test (the lungs or another body cavity) by noting the sound they produce:
e.g. the doctor sounded her chest.
2. no object convey a specified impression when heard:
〖sound C/+副詞〗(聞いてみると・読んでみると)Cのように思われる, Cらしい (!Cは〖形容詞〗, ⦅主に英⦆ 〖名詞〗; 〖副詞〗は⦅くだけて⦆ like句・節, ⦅かたく⦆ as if/though節, 前置詞句)
e.g. with complement : he sounded worried.
(of something or someone that has been described to one) convey a specified impression:
e.g. it sounds as though you really do believe that
e.g. with complement : the house sounds lovely.

express one's opinions in a loud or forceful manner.

soundless | ˈsoun(d)ləs | adjective
soundlessly | ˈsoun(d)ləslē | adverb

Middle English soun, from Anglo-Norman French soun (noun), suner (verb), from Latin sonus. The form with -d was established in the 16th century.

[*** \mathrm{sound}^2] | sound |

source: [【ステッカー】適切な休息|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3261654]

〈人・肉体・精神などが〉健全な, 健康な (!病気やけがなどがなく完全な健康状態であることをさす)
e.g. they returned safe and sound
e.g. he was not of sound mind.
〈会社などが〉(財務・経営の)堅実な, 健全な, 安定した
e.g. she could get her business on a sound footing for the first time.
〈言動・考え・根拠などが〉(合理的で)確かな, 適切な, 正しい, 正当性のある, 信頼できる
e.g. sound advice for healthy living
e.g. the scientific content is sound.
⦅主に英⦆ 〈人が〉 «…について» (判断が正しく)しっかりした «on» ; ⦅くだけて⦆ 〈人が〉頼りになる
e.g. he's a bit stuffy, but he's very sound on his law.
3. (of sleep) deep and undisturbed.
比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗深くて安らかな, 十分な〈眠りなど〉
(of a person) tending to sleep deeply:
e.g. I am a sound sleeper.
4. severe:
〈体罰などが〉厳しい, 徹底した.
e.g. such people should be given a sound thrashing.

ぐっすりと, すやすやと, 十分に〈眠って〉
e.g. he was sound asleep.


[*** \mathrm{sound}^3] | sound |

1. with object ascertain (the depth of water), typically by means of a line or pole or using sound echoes.
(測鉛で)〈海・水底など〉の深さを測る, 〈水底など〉を調査する, (気球などで)〈大気〉を観測する.
Medicine examine (a person's bladder or other internal cavity) with a long surgical probe.
2. with object question (someone), typically in a cautious or discreet way, as to their opinions or feelings on a subject:
sound A out / sound out A: A〈人〉に «…について» どう考えているか打診する «about, on»
e.g. we'll sound out our representatives first.
inquire into (someone's opinions of feelings) in a cautious way:
e.g. officials arrived to sound out public opinion at meetings in factories.
3. no object (especially of a whale) dive down steeply to a great depth.

a long surgical probe, typically with a curved, blunt end.

late Middle English: from Old French sonder, based on Latin sub-below’ + undawave’.

[*** \mathrm{sound}^4] | sound |

a narrow stretch of water forming an inlet or connecting two wider areas of water such as two seas or a sea and a lake.
海峡, 瀬戸, 入り江, 小さな湾.
(the Sound) another name for Øresund.

Middle English: from Old Norse sundswimming, strait’; related to swim.