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verb no object
(引っぱられて)伸びる; 〈素材が〉伸縮性がある(out) (!進行形にしない)
e.g. my sweater stretched in the wash
e.g. rubber will stretch easily when pulled.
〈柔らかい・弾力のある物など〉を引き伸ばす, 引っぱる
e.g. stretch the elastic
e.g. small squares of canvas were stretched over the bamboo frame.
〈両腕・両足など〉を一杯に伸ばす; 〈手・足など〉を伸ばす, 差し伸べる; 〖~ oneself〗 背伸びする(out)
e.g. the cat yawned and stretched
e.g. with object : stretching my cramped legs
e.g. we lay stretched out on the sand.
〈種類・範囲などが〉 «…から/…まで» 及ぶ «from/to»
e.g. the beach stretches for over four miles
e.g. the long hours of night stretched ahead of her.
〈事が〉 «…もの期間に渡って/…から/…まで» 続く, 及ぶ(on)(
last) «into, to, over/from/to, into» (!予想以上に長い期間に及ぶことを含意する)
e.g. her nap had stretched to two hours
〖be ~ed〗 〈事が〉 【期間にまで】続く, 及ぶ «into»
e.g. with object : stretch your weekend into a mini summer vacation.
e.g. the cost of the court case has stretched their finances to the limit.
〈仕事などが〉〈人〉の能力, 技量を(最大限に)発揮させる, …の全能力を働かせる
e.g. it's too easy—it doesn't stretch me.
e.g. to describe her as sweet would be stretching it a bit.
体(の部分)を伸ばすこと, ストレッチ(運動をすること)
e.g. I got up and had a stretch.
e.g. she could feel the stretch and pull of the muscles in her legs.
Baseball a shortened form of a
windup, typically used to prevent base runners from stealing or gaining a long lead.
e.g. stretch jeans.
e.g. it was a stretch for me sometimes to come up with the rent.
(土地などの)広がり; 〖a ~ of A〗 一帯, 一筋のA
e.g. a treacherous stretch of road.
〖a ~ of A〗 一続きのA〈期間〉; 一息(の行為)
e.g. long stretches of time.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〖通例単数形で〗服役, 禁固期間
e.g. a four-year stretch for tax fraud.
e.g. he made a promising start, but faded down the stretch.
e.g. a chauffeur-driven stretch.
in one continuous period:
e.g. I often had to work for over twenty hours at a stretch.
by no (or not by any) stretch of the imagination
used to emphasize that something is definitely not the case:
e.g. by no stretch of the imagination could Carl ever be called good-looking.
go for a short walk after sitting in one place for some time.
see wing.