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[*** \mathrm{limb}^1] | lim |
source: [きんいろモザイクのアリスとカレンが不穏な空気で忍の取り合いっこをするGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 71668]

an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing.
〖通例~s〗 (人間・動物の)肢, 手足(の1本) (!arm, legをさす) ; (鳥の)翼(wing); (魚の)ひれ
a large branch of a tree.
大枝(branch)(→ tree)
a projecting landform such as a spur of a mountain range, or each of two or more such projections as in a forked peninsula or archipelago.
a branch of a cross.
each half of an archery bow.

life and all bodily faculties: a reckless disregard for life and limb.

in or into a dangerous or uncompromising position, where one is not joined or supported by anyone else; vulnerable: she's prepared to go out on a limb and do something different.

violently dismember someone.

limbed adjective
in combination : long-limbed
limbless | ˈlimləs | adjective

Old English lim (also in the sense ‘organ or part of the body’), of Germanic origin.

[*** \mathrm{limb}^2] | lim |
1. Astronomy the edge of the disk of a celestial object, especially the sun or moon.
〘天〙 (太陽・月などの)縁
2. Botany the blade or broad part of a leaf or petal.
花びらの広がった部分; 葉身
3. the graduated arc of a quadrant or other scientific instrument, used for measuring angles.