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1. a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or ×):
⦅主に英⦆ 十字形, 十字記号; (tなどの)横線
e.g. cut a cross in the bark with a sharp knife.
a cross (×) used to show that something is incorrect or unsatisfactory.
a cross-shaped decoration awarded for personal valor or indicating rank in some orders of knighthood:
e.g. the Military Cross.
〖the C-〗〘天〙 南十字星
2. an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion.
十字架; 十字架の形をしたもの
(the Cross) the cross on which Jesus was crucified.
〖the C-〗(キリストがはりつけにされた)十字架; キリスト教(信仰)
a cross, or a representation of it, as an emblem of Christianity:
e.g. she wore a cross around her neck.
short for sign of the cross (see sign).
a staff surmounted by a cross carried in religious processions.
something unavoidable that has to be endured:
苦難, 試練(burden); 反対, じゃま
e.g. she's just a cross we have to bear.
3. an animal or plant resulting from crossbreeding; a hybrid:
〖通例a ~〗 «…の間での» 異種交配動[植]物, 雑種; 混合物, 中間物 «between»
e.g. a Devon and Holstein cross.
(a cross between) a mixture or compromise of two things:
e.g. the system is a cross between a monorail and a conventional railroad.
4. Soccer a pass of the ball across the field toward the center close to one's opponents' goal.
〘サッカー・ホッケー〙 クロスパス
Boxing a blow delivered across and over the opponent's lead:
〘ボクシング〙 クロスパンチ
e.g. a right cross.

verb with object
1. go or extend across or to the other side of (a path, road, stretch of water, or area):
〈人・乗り物などが〉〈道路・部屋・川など〉を横切る, 横断する, 渡る
e.g. he has crossed the Atlantic twice
e.g. two paths crossed the field
⦅書⦆ 〈表情・考えなどが〉〈顔・心〉をよぎる
e.g. figurative : a shadow of apprehension crossed her face
〈人・乗り物などが〉 «…を/…から/…へ» 横切る, 横断する, 渡る «over/from/to, into»
e.g. no object : we crossed over the bridge.
e.g. he attempted to cross the border into Jordan
«…を» 通り抜ける «through»
e.g. no object : we crossed over a fence.
no object (cross over) (especially of an artist or an artistic style or work) begin to appeal to a different audience, especially a wider one:
〈芸術家などが〉 【他分野に】転向して成功する; «…に» 知られるようになる «to, into» .
e.g. a talented animator who crossed over to live action.
2. no object pass in an opposite or different direction; intersect:
〈2つの道路などが〉交差する, 交わる
e.g. the two lines cross at 90°.
with object cause (two things) to intersect:
〈2つの道路などが〉交差する, 交わる.
e.g. cross the cables in opposing directions.
with object place (something) crosswise:
〈脚・腕・指など〉を組む; 〈物〉を交差させる, 交差させて置く
e.g. Michele sat back and crossed her arms.
(of a letter) be sent before receipt of another from the person being written to:
〈手紙・人などが〉…と行き違う, すれ違う
e.g. our letters crossed.
3. draw a line or lines across; mark with a cross:
e.g. cross the t's.
British mark or annotate (a check), typically by drawing a pair of parallel lines across it, to indicate that it must be paid into a named bank account.
⦅英⦆ ; 〖通例be ~ed〗 〈小切手が〉2本横線を引かれる (!指定銀行口座渡りになり, 現金化できないことを意味する) .
A〈名前など〉を線を引いて消す(⦅よりかたく⦆ delete) (!リストなどから削除する場合; ↓ cross something out)
e.g. Liz crossed off the days on the calendar.
4. (cross oneself) (of a person) make the sign of the cross in front of one's chest as a sign of Christian reverence or to invoke divine protection.
〖~ oneself〗 〈キリスト教徒が〉胸の前で十字を切る.
5. Soccer pass (the ball) across the field toward the center when attacking.
〘サッカー・ホッケー〙 〈ボール〉を中央寄りにパスする.
6. cause (an animal of one species, breed, or variety) to interbreed with one of another species, breed, or variety:
〈植物・動物〉を異種交配する; 【異なった動植物と】〈動植物〉を交配する, 掛け合わせる «with»
e.g. many animals of the breed were crossed with the closely related Guernsey
e.g. figurative : he behaved like an old regular officer crossed with a mathematician.
e.g. a hybrid tea was crossed with a polyantha rose.
7. oppose or stand in the way of (someone):
(希望・命令・計画があるのに)〈人〉に逆らう, 背く; 【事において】〈人〉を妨げる,阻む «in»
e.g. no one dared cross him.

⦅主に英・やや古⦆ ; 〖通例be ~〗 〈人が〉 «人に/…のことで/…ということで» 怒って, 不機嫌で(annoyed) «with/about, at/that節» (!しばしば子供に対して用いる)
e.g. he seemed to be very cross about something.

misunderstanding or having different aims from one another:
e.g. we had been talking at cross purposes.

put one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck.
hope that someone or something will be successful.

British join the opposing side in Parliament.

cross my heart (and hope to die)
used to emphasize the truthfulness and sincerity of what one is saying, and sometimes reinforced by making a sign of the cross over one's chest.

(of a thought) occur to one, especially transiently:
e.g. it never crossed my mind to leave the tent and live in a house.

humorous pay someone for a favor or service, especially before having one's fortune told.

meet or encounter someone.

have an argument or dispute.

become wrongly connected by telephone.
have a misunderstanding.

see way.

crosser noun
crossly |ˈkrôslē, ˈkräslē| adverb
crossness |ˈkrôsnəs| noun

late Old English (in the sense ‘monument in the form of a cross’): from Old Norse kross, from Old Irish cros, from Latin crux.