generated at

[*** \mathrm{bar}^1] |bär|

1. a long rod or rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material, typically used as an obstruction, fastening, or weapon:
(窓などの)桟, (戸締まり用の)かんぬき, 横木, 桟; (フットボールなどのゴールの)横棒(crossbar); バー〘ダンス練習用の手すり〙
e.g. an iron bar
e.g. bars on the windows.
an amount of food or another substance formed into a regular narrow block:
e.g. a bar of chocolate
e.g. gold bars.
a band of color or light, especially on a flat surface:
(色・光などの)しま, 線条
e.g. bars of sunlight shafting through the broken windows.
a sandbank or shoal at the mouth of a harbor, bay, or estuary:
砂州(sandbar), (航行を妨げる河口の)州.
e.g. the bar to the estuary of the River Eske.
e.g. standing at the bar.
a room in a restaurant or hotel in which alcohol is served:
⦅英⦆ パブの中にある部屋
e.g. the oak-paneled bar of the Lion
e.g. as modifier : bar stools.
an establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served:
⦅主に米⦆ 酒場, バー
e.g. a small friendly bar open all day.
(食べ物などの)売り場, カウンター
e.g. a dairy bar.
3. a barrier or restriction to an action or advance:
⦅書⦆ «…(すること)の» じゃま物, 障害 «to (doing)»
e.g. political differences are not necessarily a bar to a good relationship.
Law a plea arresting an action or claim in a law case.
4. Music a measure of music or the time of a piece of music:
〘楽〙 (楽譜の)縦線; (縦線で仕切られた)小節.
e.g. the opening bars of the first hymn.
5. (the bar) a partition in a courtroom or legislative assembly, now usually notional, beyond which most people may not pass and, in court, at which an accused person stands:
(法廷内の)手すり, さく; 被告席; 法廷
e.g. the prisoner at the bar.
e.g. he had to appear at the Bar of the House for a reprimand by the Speaker.
〖the B-; 単数形で〗弁護士業; 法曹界
e.g. his dismissal from the Singapore Bar.
⦅英⦆ 法廷弁護士(団)(barrister)
⦅米⦆ 弁護士(lawyer)
a particular court of law.

verb (bars, barring, barred) with object
1. fasten (something, especially a door or window) with a bar or bars:
〈ドアなど〉に横木をわたす, かんぬきをかける(up)
e.g. she bolts and bars the door.
2. prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something or from going somewhere:
〈道など〉をふさぐ, …の通行を妨げる(obstruct)
e.g. journalists had been barred from covering the elections
e.g. boulders barred her passage.
forbid (an activity) to someone:
〖~ A from B/doing〗 A〈人〉がB[…すること]を禁止する; A〈人〉がBに立ち入る[参加する]ことを禁止する (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the job she loved had been barred to her.
exclude (something) from consideration:
e.g. nothing is barred in the crime novel.
3. mark (something) with bars or stripes:
e.g. his face was barred with light.

preposition mainly British
⦅かたく⦆ …を除いては(except)
e.g. everyone, bar a few ascetics, thinks it desirable.

with no exceptions:
e.g. the greatest living American poet bar none.

British be admitted as a barrister.

British be appointed a Queen's Counsel.

in prison:
e.g. he had already spent four months behind bars on remand.

lower the standards which need to be met in order to qualify for something:
e.g. they have drastically lowered the bar for anyone who wants to call themselves a musician.

or raise the standards which need to be met in order to qualify for something:
e.g. the restaurant raised the bar for contemporary Scottish cuisine in the capital.

fix the standards which need to be met in order to qualify for something:
e.g. the school sets the bar high and the students rise to meet it.

Middle English: from Old French barre (noun), barrer (verb), of unknown origin.

[*** \mathrm{bar}^2] |bär|

a unit of pressure equivalent to 100,000 newtons per square meter or approximately one atmosphere.
〘物理〙 バール〘圧力の単位〙

early 20th century: from Greek barosweight’.