generated at
ad-at, to’ + restareremain, stop
source: [手錠されちゃった少女|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 1948871]

verb with object
1. seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody:
〈警察などが〉 «…の罪で» 〈人〉を逮捕する, 検挙する «for»
e.g. the police arrested him for possession of marijuana
e.g. two youths aged 16 were arrested.
2. stop or check (progress or a process):
⦅かたく⦆ 〈発達・進行・病気など〉をくい止める, 阻止する, 遅らせる
e.g. the spread of the disease can be arrested
e.g. (as adjective arrested) : arrested development may occur.
no object suffer a heart attack:
e.g. they were trying to resuscitate a patient who had arrested.
3. attract the attention of (someone):
⦅かたく⦆ 〈事・物などが〉〈人の注意・関心〉を引く, 引きつける(attract)
e.g. his attention was arrested by a strange sound.

1. the action of seizing someone to take into custody:
〖具体例ではan ~/~s〗 (警察などによる)逮捕, 検挙; 拘束(→ house arrest)
e.g. I have a warrant for your arrest
e.g. they placed her under arrest
e.g. at least 69 arrests were made.
〘医〙 停止, 止まる, 止めること
e.g. a respiratory arrest.

late Middle English: from Old French arester, based on Latin ad-at, to’ + restareremain, stop’.