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INFLUENCE may apply to a force exercised and received consciously or unconsciously.
e.g. used her influence to get the bill passed
e.g. his opinions lacked authority
PRESTIGE implies the ascendancy given by conspicuous excellence or reputation for superiority.
e.g. the prestige of the newspaper
WEIGHT implies measurable or decisive influence in determining acts or choices.
e.g. their wishes obviously carried much weight
CREDIT suggests influence that arises from the confidence of others.
e.g. his credit with the press
POWER implies possession of ability to wield force, authority, or influence.
e.g. the power to mold public opinion
e.g. granted the authority to manage her estate
JURISDICTION applies to official power exercised within prescribed limits.
e.g. the bureau having jurisdiction over parks
CONTROL stresses the power to direct and restrain.
e.g. you are responsible for the students under your control
COMMAND implies the power to make arbitrary decisions and compel obedience.
e.g. the army officer in command SWAY suggests the extent of exercised power or influence.
e.g. the empire extended its sway over the region
DOMINION stresses sovereign power or supreme authority.
e.g. given dominion over all the animals
«…に対する» (地位・経験などによる)権威, 権力; 威厳, 威光 «over»
e.g. he had absolute authority over his subordinates
e.g. a rebellion against those in authority
e.g. positions of authority
e.g. they acted under the authority of the UN Security Council.
«…する» 権限, 権利 «to do, for doing»
e.g. military forces have the legal authority to arrest drug traffickers.
e.g. the money was spent without congressional authority.
〖通例the -ties〗(特定地域を管轄し決定権を持つ)当局, 関係機関; その筋(の人); 警察当局
e.g. the health authorities
e.g. the Chicago Transit Authority
e.g. the authorities ordered all foreign embassies to close
e.g. she wasn't used to dealing with authority.
«…についての» 権威者(
expert); 権威あるもの «on»
e.g. he has the natural authority of one who is used to being obeyed
e.g. he spoke with authority on the subject.
e.g. he hit the ball with authority.
e.g. she was an authority on the stock market.
e.g. the court cited a series of authorities supporting their decision.
have ascertained something from a reliable source:
e.g. I have it on good authority that there is a waiting list of up to five weeks.