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[*** \mathrm{settle}^1] | ˈsedl |
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1. with object resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem):
〈2者が〉 «…と/…を求めて» 和解する, 仲直りする «with/for»
e.g. every effort was made to settle the dispute.
〈訴訟・論争・けんかなど〉を解決する, …の決着をつける
e.g. no object : he sued for libel and then settled out of court
e.g. the matter was settled out of court.
〈人が〉〈事〉を決定する; 〖it is ~d that節/wh節〗 …ということ, …かが決まっている
e.g. exactly what goes into the legislation has not been settled
e.g. no object : they had not yet settled on a date for the wedding.
⦅かたく⦆ (旅行・死の前に)〈財産・身辺など〉を整理する
no object (settle for) accept or agree to (something that one considers to be less than satisfactory):
settle for A: (一歩譲って)A〈物・事〉で我慢しておく, (我慢して)A〈事・物〉で手を打つ (!Aは〖名詞〗〖動名〗; 受け身にしない)
e.g. it was too cold for champagne so they settled for a cup of tea.
2. pay (a debt or account):
【人に】〈勘定・借金など〉を払う «to»
e.g. his bill was settled by charge card
«…と» 清算する, 支払いをすませる «with»
e.g. no object : I settled up with your brother for my board and lodging.
(settle something on) give money or property to (someone) through a deed of settlement or a will.
〘法〙 【人に】〈財産など〉を譲る, 贈与する «on, upon»
3. no object adopt a more steady or secure style of life, especially in a permanent job and home:
〖settle+副詞〗 〈人が〉定住する, 落ち着く; 植民する (!〖副詞〗はin, intoなどを伴う場所の表現)
e.g. one day I will settle down and raise a family.
with adverbial of place make one's permanent home somewhere:
e.g. in 1863 the family settled in London.
with object establish a colony in:
〈土地〉に定住する, 植民する(colonize); 〈人〉を定住させる
e.g. European immigrants settled much of Australia.
e.g. he had settled into his new job
e.g. she settled in happily with a foster family.
(settle down to) turn one's attention to; apply oneself to:
〈人が〉 【仕事・行為などに】(落ち着いて)集中する «to» ; «…することに» 集中する «to do»
e.g. Catherine settled down to her studies.
become or make calmer or quieter:
〈神経・腹などが〉落ち着く, 鎮静する
e.g. no object : after a few months the controversy settled down
〖settle A+副詞〗 (心地よい姿勢に)A〈人〉を落ち着かせる; 〖~ oneself〗 落ち着く(down, back)
e.g. with object : try to settle your puppy down before going to bed.
dated silence (someone considered a nuisance) by some means:
e.g. he told me to hold my tongue or he would find a way to settle me.
4. no object, with adverbial of place sit or come to rest in a comfortable position:
〖settle+副詞〗 〈人が〉(心地よい姿勢に)落ち着く, (ゆったりと)座る, 寝転がる (!〖副詞〗は場所・様態の表現)
e.g. he settled into an armchair.
with object and adverbial of place make (someone) comfortable in a particular place or position:
〖settle A+副詞〗 (心地よい姿勢に)A〈人〉を落ち着かせる; 〖~ oneself〗 落ち着く(down, back)
e.g. she allowed him to settle her in the taxi.
with object move or adjust (something) so that it rests securely:
e.g. she settled her bag on her shoulder.
〖settle+副詞〗 〈ほこり・かす・雪などが〉積もる, たまる (!〖副詞〗はon, to, into, inなどを伴う場所などの表現)
e.g. dust from the mill had settled on the roof.
(of suspended particles) sink slowly in a liquid to form sediment; (of a liquid) become clear or still through this process:
e.g. sediment settles near the bottom of the tank
e.g. he pours a glass and leaves it on the bar to settle.
(of an object or objects) gradually sink down under its or their own weight:
e.g. they listened to the soft ticking and creaking as the house settled.
(of a ship or boat) sink gradually.

settle one's affairs (or estate)
make any necessary arrangements, such as writing a will, before one's death.

settle someone's hash
see hash1.

settleable adjective

Old English setlan‘to seat, place’, from settle2.

[*** \mathrm{settle}^2] | ˈsedl |
a wooden bench with a high back and arms, typically incorporating a box under the seat.

Old English setl‘a place to sit’, of Germanic origin; related to German Sessel and Latin sella ‘seat’, also to sit.