generated at
point 明らかな
clear: 簡潔に端的な方法で表現されているために, 簡単で疑うことなくわかることをいう
obvious: 誰の眼にも明らかなことをいう
plain: 理解, 認識するのが簡単なほどとてもはっきりしていること
evident: 〘ややかたく〙 で, 目に見える証拠に基づいて簡単に気づくことをいう
apparent: 〘ややかたく〙 で, evidentと同様に目に見える証拠に基づくことをいうが, その際何らかの推論が行われていることを暗示する
いずれの語もIt is ~ (to A) that節の形でよく用いられる (!Aは人) .

point 消える
disappear: 視界や思考から消えてなくなること
vanish: 突然, 不可解にも跡形もなく消えること
fade: 物事・表情・音などがかすむように次第に消えてゆくこと
die out: 動植物・種が絶滅して消えたり, 習慣・伝統などが廃れてなくなること
clear: 視界をさえぎっていた煙・霧などが消えてなくなること
dissolve: 〘ややかたく・文〙 で, ある理由で感情・表情・消えにくいものなどが消えること
melt: 〘文〙 で, 感情・人・物などが次第に消えてなく, いなくなること

point CLEAR, TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, LIMPID mean capable of being seen through.
e.g.clear water
TRANSPARENT implies being so clear that objects can be seen distinctly.
e.g.a transparent sheet of film
TRANSLUCENT implies the passage of light but not a clear view of what lies beyond.
e.g.translucent frosted glass
LIMPID suggests the soft clearness of pure water.
e.g.her eyes were limpid pools of blue

point CLEAR, PERSPICUOUS, LUCID mean quickly and easily understood.
e.g.clear instructions
PERSPICUOUS applies to a style that is simple and elegant as well as clear.
e.g.a perspicuous style
LUCID suggests a clear logical coherence and evident order of arrangement.
e.g.a lucid explanation

source: [Joeschmo's Gears and Grounds: 10 Second Anime - Amanchu! - Episode 12 END]

明快な, わかりやすい, はっきりした
e.g. clear and precise directions
e.g. her handwriting was clear
e.g. am I making myself clear?
e.g. the voice on the telephone was clear and strong.
〈物・事が〉明白な, はっきりした; 〖it is clear (to A) (from B) (that)節/wh節〗 (A〈人〉には)(B〈事〉から)…ということは, …かは明らかだ(obvious) (!(1)⦅くだけて⦆ ではthatはしばしば省略. (2)コーパスto Aとfrom Bを同時に用いる場合from B to Aの語順は⦅まれ⦆ ; → it代名詞4a, g)
e.g. it was clear that they were in a trap
e.g. a clear case of poisoning.
having or feeling no doubt or confusion:
〖通例be ~〗 〈人が〉 «…について/…であるか/…ということを» はっきりわかっている, 確信している «about, on, as to/(about) wh節/that節»
e.g. every student must be clear about what is expected.
透明な〈液体・ガラスなど〉; 透き通った, 澄んだ〈水・空気など〉
e.g. the clear glass of the French windows
e.g. a stream of clear water.
free of cloud, mist, or rain:
よく晴れた, 雲, 霧のない
e.g. the day was fine and clear.
(of a person's skin) free from blemishes.
〈肌が〉つやのよい, しみのない
(of a person's eyes) unclouded; shining:
〈目が〉澄んだ, 輝いた, 魅力的な
e.g. I looked into her clear gray eyes.
(of a color) pure and intense:
明るい, 鮮やかな〈色〉
e.g. clear blue delphiniums.
archaic (of a fire) burning with little smoke:
e.g. a bright, clear flame.
〈場所が〉広々とした; 〈視界が〉妨げのない, 見通しのきく; 〈道が〉自由に通れる
e.g. with a clear road ahead he shifted into high gear
e.g. I had a clear view in both directions
e.g. his desktop was almost clear.
(of a period of time) free of any appointments or commitments:
予定が空いている, ひまな
e.g. the following Saturday, Mattie had a clear day.
predicative (of a person) free of something undesirable or unpleasant:
【悪い物が】ない «of, from»
e.g. after 18 months of treatment he was clear of TB.
(of a person's mind) free of anything that impairs logical thought:
e.g. in the morning, with a clear head, she would tackle all her problems.
(of a person's conscience) free of guilt.
潔白な, 罪のない
4. predicative (clear of) not touching; away from:
〖be ~〗 «…から» 離れて; «…と» 関わりのない
e.g. the truck was wedged in the ditch, one wheel clear of the ground.
5. attributive (of a sum of money) net:
e.g. a clear profit of $1,100.
6. Phonetics denoting a palatalized form of l (as in salad or willing) in some southern US accents or as in leaf in Irish accents. Often contrasted with dark.
〘音声〙 〈 | l | 音が〉明るい(↔ dark)〘leaf, lakeなど〙

1. so as to be out of the way of or away from:
«…から» 離れて; «…に» 触れないで «of» (!この用法は〖形容詞〗と取ることもできる; ↑ 形容詞13a)
e.g. he leapt clear of the car
e.g. stand clear, I'll start the plane up.
so as not to be obstructed or cluttered:
【遠くの物などが】くっきりと, はっきりと〈見える〉 «to»
e.g. the floor had been swept clear of litter.
⦅くだけて⦆ まったく, すっかり
e.g. he had time to get clear away.
(clear to) chiefly North American all the way to:
⦅主に米⦆ ずっと(all the way), まっすぐに〈走る〉
e.g. you could see clear to the bottom of the lagoon.

1. with object remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from:
〈人が〉〈場所〉をきれいにする(off); 〈じゃまな物〉を片付ける
e.g. the drive had been cleared of snow
e.g. Carolyn cleared the table and washed up.
with object free (land) for cultivation or building by removing vegetation or existing structures:
〈空き場所〉を作る;〖~ A for B〗 A〈場所〉をB〈物・事〉のために空ける
e.g. the embankment was cleared for a new section of line.
with object cause people to leave (a building or place):
〖clear A of B/B off/from A〗 A〈場所〉からB〈物・人〉を取り除く, 排除する (!コーパス時にclear A out of off of Bの形も用いられる)
e.g. the wardens shouted a warning and cleared the streets.
〈煙が〉消えてなくなる, 〈空が〉(雲・雨などがあがって)明るくなる
e.g. the fever clears in two to four weeks
e.g. the mist had cleared away.
no object become free of cloud or rain:
〈天気・霧などが〉晴れる, 〈雨が〉あがる; 〖itを主語にして〗晴れる(up, away, off)
e.g. we'll go out if the weather clears.
no object (of a person's face or expression) assume a happier aspect following confusion or distress:
〈顔・表情が〉(心配が消えて)明るくなる; 〈頭が〉すっきりする.
e.g. for a moment, Sam was confused; then his expression cleared.
2. with object remove (an obstruction or unwanted item) from somewhere:
e.g. Karen cleared the dirty plates
e.g. park staff cleared away dead trees.
(in soccer and other sports) send (the ball) away from the area near one's goal:
e.g. McAllister's lob was cleared off the line by Kernaghan
e.g. no object : Clarke headed towards the net but Nicol cleared.
e.g. at the moment I'm clearing debts.
3. with object get past or over (something) safely or without touching it:
〈人・動物が〉〈障害物・高さ〉を(触れずに)跳び越える, クリアする; ⦅比喩的に⦆ 〈困難〉を乗り越える
e.g. the plane rose high enough to clear the trees
e.g. she cleared 1.50 metres in the high jump.
4. with object officially show or declare (someone) to be innocent:
〈人〉の潔白を証明する; 〖be ~ed〗 〈人が〉 «(…したという)疑惑を» 晴らす «of/from (doing)»
e.g. his sport's ruling body had cleared him of cheating.
5. with object give official approval or authorization to:
〈人が〉〈行為など〉を許可する; 【人から】〈計画など〉の許可を得る «with» ;〖be ~ed〗 〈人などが〉 «…を/…することを» 許される «for/to do»
e.g. I cleared him to return to his squadron.
【税関に】〈荷物など〉を通す «through» ; 〈人・荷物が〉〈税関〉を通る.
e.g. I can help her to clear customs quickly.
(with reference to a check) pass through a clearinghouse so that the money goes into the payee's account:
e.g. no object : there were more than sufficient funds in the account for both checks to clear
e.g. with object : the check could not be cleared until Monday.
6. with object earn or gain (an amount of money) as a net profit:
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈金額〉を(純益として)もうける
e.g. I would hope to clear £50,000 profit from each match.

make the air less humid:
e.g. storms were supposed to clear the air.
defuse or clarify an angry, tense, or confused situation by frank discussion:
e.g. it's time a few things were said to clear the air.

see bell1.

very easy to see or understand.

informal see mud.

prepare for a particular event or goal by dealing with anything beforehand that might hinder progress.

show to be innocent:
e.g. the spokesman released a statement attempting to clear his client's name.

cough slightly so as to speak more clearly, attract attention, or to express hesitancy before saying something awkward.

remove an obstacle or hindrance to allow progress:
e.g. the ruling could be enough to clear the way for impeachment proceedings.
in imperative stand aside:
e.g. Stand back, there! Clear the way!

not encrypted; not in code:
e.g. the Russian staff practice of sending radio messages and orders in clear.

no longer in danger or suspected of something:
e.g. the latest information put her in the clear.

out of a (or the) clear blue sky
as a complete surprise:
e.g. his moods blew up suddenly out of a clear blue sky.

usually in imperative informal go away:
e.g. “Clear off!” he yelled.

informal leave quickly.

1. (of an illness or other medical condition) become cured:
e.g. all my health problems cleared up.
2. (of the weather) become brighter.
(of rain) stop.

clear something up
1. (also clear up) tidy something up by removing trash or other unwanted items:
e.g. he decided to clear up his garage
e.g. I keep meaning to come down here and clear up.
remove trash or other unwanted items to leave something tidy:
e.g. he asked the boys to clear up their mess.
2. solve or explain something:
e.g. he wanted to clear up some misconceptions.
3. cure an illness or other medical condition:
e.g. folk customs prescribed sage tea to clear up measles.

clear something out
remove the contents from something so as to tidy it or free it for alternative use:
e.g. they told her to clear out her desk by the next day.

clearable adjective
clearness |ˈkli(ə)rnis| noun