generated at

a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface limiting visibility, but to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibility remaining above 1.5 miles (1 km):
霧, もや, かすみ〘hazeより濃く, fogより薄い〙 (!具体例ではa ~/~s; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う)
e.g. the peaks were shrouded in mist
e.g. in singular : a mist rose out of the river.
in singular a condensed vapor settling in fine droplets on a surface:
〖a (...) ~〗 霧[もや]のようなもの
e.g. a breeze cooled the mist of perspiration that had dampened her temples.
in singular a haze or film over the eyes, especially caused by tears, and resulting in blurred vision:
(涙による)目のかすみ; (水蒸気によるガラスなどの)曇り
e.g. Ruth saw most of the scene through a mist of tears.
used in reference to something that blurs one's perceptions or memory:
〖しばしばthe ~s〗 (判断・記憶などを)曇らすもの, 霧; (霧に包まれたような)過去
e.g. Sardinia's origins are lost in the mists of time.

cover or become covered with mist:
e.g. with object : the windows were misted up with condensation
e.g. no object : the glass was beginning to mist up.
no object (of a person's eyes) become covered with a film of tears causing blurred vision:
〈目が〉 【涙で】曇る(up, over) «with»
e.g. her eyes misted at this heroic image.
with object spray (something, especially a plant) with a fine cloud of water droplets:
e.g. don't mist furry-leaved plants such as African violets.

Old English, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Greek omikhlēmist, fog’.