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make or become unclear or less distinct:
〈物〉を見えにくくさせる; 〈視界〉をぼやけさせる
e.g. with object : tears blurred her vision
e.g. his novels blur the boundaries between criticism and fiction
見えにくくなる, 曖昧になる, ぼやける; にじむ, 汚れる
e.g. no object : as daylight waned, the pages blurred.

a thing that cannot be seen or heard clearly:
e.g. the pale blur of her face
e.g. the words were a blur.
an indistinct memory or impression of events, typically because they happened very fast:
おぼろげな記憶; はっきりしない音
e.g. the day before was a blur.

mid 16th century (in the sense ‘smear that partially obscures something’): perhaps related to blear.