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[*** \mathrm{tear}^1] | ter |

point tear vs. rip
>In common usage, rip and tear are treated pretty much as synonyms.
> However, many years ago I was taught to distinguish the terms in the context of items made of fabric, such as clothing:
> One uses “rip” to describe the separation of two pieces of fabric (pulling them apart) at a seam.
> In contrast, one uses “tear” to describe using force to pull a single piece of fabric apart so it becomes two pieces.
>In ordinary usage, they are much the same. Rip has a bit more of an implied sense of somebody or something performing the action, whereas tear is somewhat less specific. Rip also seems a bit more violent than tear. But again, these are minor distinctions.

source: [ご注文はうさぎですか?のシャロが紙袋のお面を破っているGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 105628]

verb (past tore | tôr | ; past participle torn | tôrn | )
1. with object and adverbial pull or rip (something) apart or to pieces with force: 力で(何かを)引き離す、割いて破片にする
〖tear (up) A/A(up)〗 〈人・物が〉A〈紙・布など〉を引き裂く, 破る; Aを引き裂いて 【ある状態に】する «in, to, into» ;
e.g. I tore up the letter.: 私はその手紙を破った。
remove by pulling or ripping forcefully: 力強く引っ張る、引き裂くことで取り除く
〖tear A(+副詞) (from/out of/off] B)〗 〈人・物が〉(無理に)(B〈場所〉から)A〈物〉を引きはがす, 破り取る, 引き離す (!〖副詞〗はaway, down, outなど方向の表現)
e.g. he tore up the floorboards: 彼は床板を引き剥がした。
e.g. he tore off his belt: 彼はベルトを引き離した。
e.g. Joe tore the sack from her hand.: ジョーは彼女の手から袋を取った。
make a hole or split in (something) by pulling it or piercing it with a sharp implement: 鋭利な道具で引っ張る、突き刺すことで(何かに)穴を開ける、割る
〈人が〉 【服などに】A〈穴〉を開ける «in»
e.g. she was always tearing her clothes.: 彼女はいつも彼女の服に穴を開けていた。
make (a hole or split) in something by force: 力で何かに(穴や裂け目を)作る
e.g. the blast tore a hole in the wall.: 爆風は壁に穴を開けた。
no object come apart; rip: ばらばらになる; 引き裂く;
e.g. the material wouldn't tear.: その素材は裂けないだろう。
damage (a muscle or ligament) by overstretching it: 無理に伸ばすことで(筋肉や靭帯を)損傷する
〈人が〉〈筋肉〉を断裂する; 〈皮膚〉を裂傷する.
e.g. he tore a ligament playing squash.: 彼はスカッシュをプレイして靭帯が断裂した。
2. no object, with adverbial of direction informal move very quickly in a reckless or excited manner: 無謀な、興奮した様子でとても早く動く
〖~+副詞〗 〈人・車などが〉大急ぎで動く, 疾走, 突進する (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. she tore along the footpath on her bike.: 彼女は自転車に乗って小道に沿って疾走した。
3. (be torn) be in a state of uncertainty between two conflicting options or parties: 2つの矛盾する選択や政党の不確かな状態にある
〖be torn (by A)〗 〈国・家族などが〉(A〈戦争など〉のために)分裂する, ばらばらになる (!Aは〖名詞〗〖動名〗) ; 〈人が〉心をかき乱される, ひどく苦しめられる
e.g. he was torn between his duty and his better instincts.: 彼は自分の責任と本能の間でかき乱された。

1. a hole or split in something caused by it having been pulled apart forcefully.: 強く引き離したことで引き起こされた何かの穴や裂け目
裂け目, 破れ目; ほころび; 裂く, 裂けること
2. US informal a spell of great success or excellence in performance: 遂行の中でとても成功した、優秀な期間
e.g. he went on a tear, winning three out of every four hands.: 彼は4つの手札から3つ勝つ大躍進をした。
US informal a brief spell of erratic behavior; a binge or spree: 短い期間の突飛な振る舞い;羽目を外すこと、馬鹿騒ぎ
⦅米・くだけて⦆ どんちゃん騒ぎ(spree).
e.g. every so often she goes on a tear, walking around town and zapping people with orange spray paint.: 時折彼女は街を歩き回りオレンジのスプレー塗料で人々をやっつけるどんちゃん騒ぎをする。

tear one's hair out
informal act with or show extreme desperation.

that's torn it
British informal used to express dismay when something unfortunate has happened to disrupt someone's plans:
e.g. a friend of her father's arrived. “That's torn it,” she said.

tear someone/something apart
1. destroy something, especially good relations between people:
e.g. a bloody civil war had torn the country apart.
2. upset someone greatly:
e.g. stop crying—it's tearing me apart.
3. criticize someone or something harshly.

tear oneself away
often with negative leave despite a strong desire to stay:
e.g. she couldn't tear herself away from the view.

tear someone/something down
1. demolish something, especially a building.
2. US informal criticize or punish someone severely.

1. attack verbally:
e.g. she tore into him: “Don't you realize what you've done to me?”.
2. make an energetic or enthusiastic start on:
e.g. a jazz trio is tearing into the tune with gusto.

tearable adjective
tearer | ˈterər | noun

Old English teran, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch teren and German zehren, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek dereinflay’. The noun dates from the early 17th century.

[*** \mathrm{tear}^2] | tir |
source: [プリズマ☆イリヤのイリヤスフィールがほっぺをぶたれて涙目なGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 681896]

a drop of clear salty liquid secreted from glands in a person's eye when they cry or when the eye is irritated.
〖通例~s〗 涙(teardrop)
(tears) the state or action of crying:
e.g. he was so hurt by her attitude he was nearly in tears
e.g. puppets that moved Jack to tears.

verb no object
US (of the eye) produce tears:
e.g. the freezing wind made her eyes tear.

tearlike | -ˌlīk | adjective

Old English tēar, of Germanic origin; related to German Zähre, from an Indo-European root shared by Old Latin dacruma (Latin lacrima) and Greek dakru.