[*** \mathrm{tear}^1] | ter |
>In common usage, rip and tear are treated pretty much as synonyms.
> However, many years ago I was taught to distinguish the terms in the context of items made of fabric, such as clothing:
> One uses “rip” to describe the separation of two pieces of fabric (pulling them apart) at a seam.
> In contrast, one uses “tear” to describe using force to pull a single piece of fabric apart so it becomes two pieces.
>In ordinary usage, they are much the same. Rip has a bit more of an implied sense of somebody or something performing the action, whereas tear is somewhat less specific. Rip also seems a bit more violent than tear. But again, these are minor distinctions.
source: [ご注文はうさぎですか?のシャロが紙袋のお面を破っているGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
verb (past
tore | tôr | ; past participle
torn | tôrn | )
〖tear (up) A/A(up)〗 〈人・物が〉A〈紙・布など〉を引き裂く, 破る; Aを引き裂いて 【ある状態に】する «in, to, into» ;
e.g. I tore up the letter.: 私はその手紙を破った。
〖tear A(+副詞) (from/out of/off] B)〗 〈人・物が〉(無理に)(B〈場所〉から)A〈物〉を引きはがす, 破り取る, 引き離す (!〖副詞〗はaway, down, outなど方向の表現)
e.g. he tore up the floorboards: 彼は床板を引き剥がした。
e.g. he tore off his belt: 彼はベルトを引き離した。
e.g. Joe tore the sack from her hand.: ジョーは彼女の手から袋を取った。
〈人が〉 【服などに】A〈穴〉を開ける «in»
e.g. she was always tearing her clothes.: 彼女はいつも彼女の服に穴を開けていた。
e.g. the blast tore a hole in the wall.: 爆風は壁に穴を開けた。
e.g. the material wouldn't tear.: その素材は裂けないだろう。
〈人が〉〈筋肉〉を断裂する; 〈皮膚〉を裂傷する.
e.g. he tore a ligament playing squash.: 彼はスカッシュをプレイして靭帯が断裂した。
〖~+副詞〗 〈人・車などが〉大急ぎで動く, 疾走, 突進する (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. she tore along the footpath on her bike.: 彼女は自転車に乗って小道に沿って疾走した。
3. (
be torn) be in a state of
uncertainty between two conflicting options or parties: 2つの矛盾する選択や政党の不確かな状態にある
〖be torn (by A)〗 〈国・家族などが〉(A〈戦争など〉のために)分裂する, ばらばらになる (!Aは〖名詞〗〖動名〗) ; 〈人が〉心をかき乱される, ひどく苦しめられる
e.g. he was torn between his duty and his better instincts.: 彼は自分の責任と本能の間でかき乱された。
裂け目, 破れ目; ほころび; 裂く, 裂けること
e.g. he went on a tear, winning three out of every four hands.: 彼は4つの手札から3つ勝つ大躍進をした。
e.g. every so often she goes on a tear, walking around town and zapping people with orange spray paint.: 時折彼女は街を歩き回りオレンジのスプレー塗料で人々をやっつけるどんちゃん騒ぎをする。
tear one's hair out
informal act with or show extreme desperation.
that's torn it
British informal used to express dismay when something unfortunate has happened to disrupt someone's plans:
e.g. a friend of her father's arrived. “That's torn it,” she said.
tear someone/something apart
1. destroy something, especially good relations between people:
e.g. a bloody civil war had torn the country apart.
2. upset someone greatly:
e.g. stop crying—it's tearing me apart.
3. criticize someone or something harshly.
tear oneself away
often with negative leave despite a strong desire to stay:
e.g. she couldn't tear herself away from the view.
tear someone/something down
1. demolish something, especially a building.
US informal criticize or punish someone severely.
1. attack verbally:
e.g. she tore into him: “Don't you realize what you've done to me?”.
2. make an energetic or enthusiastic start on:
e.g. a jazz trio is tearing into the tune with gusto.
[*** \mathrm{tear}^2] | tir |
source: [プリズマ☆イリヤのイリヤスフィールがほっぺをぶたれて涙目なGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
e.g. he was so hurt by her attitude he was nearly in tears
e.g. puppets that moved Jack to tears.
verb no object
e.g. the freezing wind made her eyes tear.