generated at
point 泣く
cry cry: 感情的・生理的理由により, 声を上げて泣くこと. しばしば泣き声の大きさ・様子などを示す副詞とともに用いる.
e.g. A baby is crying furiously for milk.: 赤ん坊がミルクを欲しがって大泣きしている
weep weep: 悲しみのために, 主に静かに涙を流して泣くこと. 改まった文脈で多く用いられる.
e.g. A woman was weeping hysterically. : 女性が狂乱状態で泣いていた
sob sob: 小刻みに息を詰まらせながらすすり泣くこと. 声を上げて泣きじゃくることから静かにすすり泣くことまで, 幅広く表す.
e.g. sob with grief.: 悲しみにむせび泣く

point 叫ぶ
shout: 怒りや注意喚起のため大声を出すことをいうが, 声の質の点で女性や子供にはあまり用いない
yell: shoutよりくだけた語で, 怒り・興奮・恐怖・痛み・絶望などで大声を上げることをいうが, 緊迫しており必要な声の大きさを考える余裕がない状況で, shoutより短く荒々しい叫び方をする
call (call out): 注意喚起のため大声を出すこと
cry: 〘書〙 で, 恐怖・痛み・興奮などで大声を出すことをいうが, 〘やや古〙 に響く. 強意的にoutをつけたcry outは, 恐怖・突然の痛み・憤慨で大声を上げることをいい, 今でもよく用いられる
scream: 突然の大きな痛み・恐怖・怒り・興奮などで甲高い金切り声を上げることをいうが, 制御できない怒りや子供の興奮によるものをさすことが多い.

verb (cries, crying, cried |krīd| ) no object
1. shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow:
〈人が〉 «…のことで/…のあまり» 涙を流して泣く «over, about/with, in» ; 〈赤ん坊などが〉 «…を欲して» 泣く «for»
e.g. don't cry—it'll be all right
e.g. with object : you'll cry tears of joy.
2. shout or scream, typically to express fear, pain, or grief:
〈人が〉 «…を求めて/…のあまり» 叫ぶ, 大声を出す(out) «for/in, with» (!outを使わない形は⦅書⦆ で⦅やや古⦆ に響く
e.g. the little girl fell down and cried for her mommy.
say something loudly in an excited or anguished tone of voice:
«人に/…するように» 大声で言う «to/to do»
e.g. “Where will it end?” he cried out.
with object (of a street trader) shout out the name of (goods for sale):
e.g. there was a bustle of activity as vendors cried their wares, offering shellfish to potential buyers.
3. (of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call:
〈鳥・獣などが〉鳴き叫ぶ, ほえる, さえずる
e.g. the wild birds cried out over the water.

noun (plural cries)
«…を求めての/…の» 叫び(声) «for/of»
e.g. a cry of despair.
e.g. there was a cry of “Silence!”.
呼び売りの声, 触れ声.
e.g. the city comes to life after 10 p.m., with the din of car horns, and the cries of street hawkers.
⦅主に報道⦆ «…を求める/…に反対する» 要求, 嘆願; «for/against»
e.g. fund-raisers have issued a cry for help.
e.g. peace became the popular cry.
2. the loud characteristic call of a bird or other animal:
(鳥獣の)鳴き声, ほえ声.
e.g. the harsh cries of magpies.
3. a spell of weeping:
e.g. I still have a cry, sometimes, when I realize that my mother is dead.

weep bitterly and at length:
e.g. I cried my eyes out when he fired me.

ask for what is unattainable or impossible:
e.g. there must be no more self-pity, no more time wasted on crying for the moon.

protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice:
e.g. deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.

a passionate and honest appeal or protest.

weep until one is soothed or exhausted:
e.g. he broke your heart—cry it out, girl
e.g. at 18–24 months, we did have to let our son cry it out a little.
(cry-it-out) a method of sleep training in which a young child is left to fall asleep on their own and is not immediately comforted when they cry:
e.g. parents have been doing cry-it-out for generations
e.g. as modifier : she created strategies to help parents thrive without resorting to cry-it-out sleep training.

informal used to express one's irritation or impatience:
e.g. why do you have to take everything so personally, for crying out loud?

(of hounds) baying in keen pursuit:
e.g. the fox broke and the hounds followed in full cry.

British informal go back on a promise or fail to keep to an arrangement:
e.g. we were going to Spain together and he cried off at the last moment.

demand as a self-evident requirement or solution:
e.g. the present system cries out for reform.

dated praise or extol someone or something.

dated disparage or belittle someone or something.

Middle English (in the sense ‘ask for earnestly or loudly’): from Old French crier (verb), cri (noun), from Latin quiritareraise a public outcry’, literally ‘call on the Quirites (Roman citizens) for help’.