generated at
[*** \mathrm{shed}^1]
a simple roofed structure, typically made of wood or metal, used as a storage space, a shelter for animals, or a workshop.
(主に木造の)小屋, 物置
a larger structure, typically with one or more sides open, for storing or maintaining vehicles or other machinery
(鉄道・港・工場などの大型の)倉庫, 格納庫
verb (sheds, shedding, shedded) with object (usually be shedded)
park (a vehicle) in a depot.: (乗り物を)倉庫に駐車する

late 15th century: apparently a variant of the noun shade.

[*** \mathrm{shed}^2]
語源はseparate out, divideの意味
1. 接合部分が切れる
2. 切れた結果として落ちる
shed tears

source: [工場で螺旋状に押し出されているパスタが回転する機械に切られているGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 720811]

verb (sheds, shedding; past and past participle shed) with object
(of a tree or other plant) allow (leaves or fruit) to fall to the ground: (木や他の植物の)(葉っぱや果実が)地面に落ちるのを許す
e.g. both varieties shed leaves in winter. : どちらの種類も冬に葉を落とす
(of a reptile, insect, etc.) allow (its skin or shell) to come off, to be replaced by another one that has grown underneath. : (爬虫類、昆虫などの)(皮や殻が)下から生えてくるものと入れ替わるために取れるのを許す
(of a mammal) lose (hair) as a result of molting, disease, or age.: (哺乳類の)(毛が)生え変わり、病気、加齢の結果として失う
take off (clothes). : (衣類を)脱ぐ
脱ぐ; 〈服など〉を脱ぎ捨てる
discard (something undesirable, superfluous, or outdated): (望ましくないもの、余分なもの、古いものを)処分する
⦅かたく⦆ 〈不要な物・いやな物〉を取り除く, 捨て去る
e.g. what they lacked was a willingness to shed the arrogance of the past.: 彼らに不足している物は過去の傲慢さを切り捨てる意志だ。
have the property of preventing (something) from being absorbed: (物が)吸収するのを防ぐ特性を持った
e.g. this leather has a superior ability to shed water, sweat, and salt. : この革は水、汗、塩をはじく優れた能力がある。
eliminate part of (an electrical power load) by disconnecting circuits. : 回路を切断することで(電力負荷がある)部分を取り除く

shed (someone's) blood : be injured or killed (or kill or injure someone). : 傷つけられる、殺される(もしくは、傷つける、殺す)
shed light on : see light.
shed tears : weep; cry.
涙を流す; 泣く;

Old English sc(e)ādanseparate out (one selected group), divide’, also ‘scatter’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German scheiden. Compare with sheath.