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[*** \mathrm{ground}^1] | ɡround |

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1. (the ground) the solid surface of the earth: 地球の固い表面
〖通例the ~〗 地面, 地表; 土, 土壌(soil)
e.g. he lay on the ground.: 彼は地面に横になった。
a limited or defined extent of the earth's surface; land: 地表の制限された、定義された範囲; 土地
(建物・樹木などのない)土地, 空き地
e.g. an adjoining area of ground had been purchased.: 土地の隣接しているエリアは購入された。
land of a specified kind: 特定の種類の土地
e.g. my feet squelched over marshy ground.: 私の足は沼地の上をピチャピチャ音を立てた。
as modifier (in aviation) relating to the ground rather than the air (with particular reference to the maintenance and servicing of an aircraft on the ground): (航空機産業において)(とりわけ地面で航空機の整備と点検に関連して)空といよりも陸に関する
e.g. ground staff: 地上職員
e.g. ground crew.: 地上船員
as modifier living or growing on or close to the ground.: 地面の上で、近くの生きること、成長すること
2. (also grounds) an area of land or sea used for a specified purpose: 特定の目的のために使われる陸地や海のエリア
〖~s〗 (猟などに使われる広大な)用地, 場所, 海域
e.g. shore dumping can pollute fishing grounds and beaches.: 浜辺のポイ捨ては漁場の海域と浜辺を汚染することがある。
(grounds) an area of enclosed land surrounding a large house or other building: 大きな家や他の建物を取り囲んでいる囲まれた土地の範囲
〖~s〗 (重要, 大型建築物周辺の)敷地, 構内; 庭園
e.g. the house stands in seven acres of grounds.: その家は7エーカーの敷地に立っている。
3. an area of knowledge or subject of discussion or thought: 知識の範囲や議論や思考の主題
(知識・思想・経験・会話における特定の)領域, 場所, 範囲; 主題, 話題;【方法・思想などが生み出される】領域, 状況 «for»
e.g. third-year courses typically cover less ground and go into more depth: 3年のコースは典型的には狭い領域をカバーしより深いところへ入っていく。
e.g. he shifted the argument onto theoretical grounds of his own choosing.: 彼は彼自身の選択の理論的な領域に議論を移した。
4. (grounds) factors forming a basis for action or the justification for a belief: 行為の基礎を作る要素や信念の正当な理由
〖通例~s; 抽象的にはU〗 «…の/…する/…という» 理由, 根拠 «for/for doing, to do/of, that節» ; 基礎, 基盤(basis, foundation)
e.g. there are some grounds for optimism: 楽観主義のいくつかの理由がある。
e.g. they called for a retrial on the grounds of the new evidence.: 彼らは新証拠を根拠に再審を要求した。
5. chiefly Art a prepared surface to which paint is applied.: ペンキが塗られることに向けて準備された表面
(塗装・絵付け・刺繍(ししゅう)などの)下塗り, (下)地; (絵画などの)バック, 背景色(background);
a substance used to prepare a surface for painting.: 塗装のために表面を準備するのに使われる物質
(in embroidery or ceramics) a plain surface to which decoration is applied.: (刺繍や陶芸で)装飾が施されることに向けた質素な表面
a piece of wood fixed to a wall as a base for boards, plaster, or woodwork.: 板、漆喰、木工の基礎として壁に固定された木
6. (grounds) solid particles, especially of ground coffee, that form a residue; sediment.: 特に挽きコーヒーの、残留物を作る固形の粒子; 沈殿物
〖通例~s〗 (液体の底に沈む)沈殿物, かす, おり
7. North American electrical connection of a circuit or conductor to the earth.: 地面までの回路や伝導帯の電気的なつながり
⦅米⦆ アース, 接地(⦅英⦆ earth)
8. Music short for ground bass.: ground bassの短縮
〘楽〙 基礎低音(ground bass)

verb with object
1. prohibit or prevent (a pilot or an aircraft) from flying: (パイロットや飛行機の)飛行を禁止する、妨げる
〈物・人〉を地面に置く, おろす
e.g. a bitter wind blew from the northeast and the bombers were grounded.: 凍てつく風が北東から吹き、爆撃機は地面に置かれた。
informal (of a parent) refuse to allow (a child) to go out socially as a punishment: (両親が)罰として社会的に外に出ることを(子供に)許すことを拒む
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 〈親などが〉 «…の理由で» 〈子供など〉に外出禁止の罰を与える, …を罰として遊びに行かせない «for» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. he was grounded for hitting her on the head.: 彼は彼女の頭を叩いたことで罰として外出禁止になった。
2. (with reference to a ship) run or go aground: (船との関連で)座礁、擱岩する
〈船〉を座礁させる, 沈没させる; 〈ボール〉を地面に付ける 〘アメフト〙
e.g. rather than be blown up, Muller grounded his ship on a coral reef and surrendered: 吹き荒れたというよりも、ミュラーは彼の船をサンゴ礁に座礁させて降伏した。
e.g. the larger ships grounded on the riverbed at low tide.: 大きな船が潮が低いときに川底に乗り上げた。
3. (usually be grounded in) give (something abstract) a firm theoretical or practical basis: (中傷的なものに)しっかりとした理論的な、実践的な基礎を与える
【根拠などに】〈議論など〉を基づかせる(base) «in, on» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the study of history must be grounded in a thorough knowledge of the past.: 歴史の研究は過去の綿密な知識に基づかなければならない。
instruct (someone) thoroughly in a subject: 科目を徹底的に(人に)教える
〖~ A in B〗 A〈人〉にB〈学問・科目など〉の基礎を教え込む (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. they were grounded in the classics, in history, and in literature.: 彼らは古典、歴史、文学の基礎を教え込まれた。
4. place or lay (something) on the ground or hit the ground with it: (物を)地面に置く、もしくはそれで地面を叩く
e.g. he was penalized two strokes for grounding his club in a bunker.: 彼はバンカーに彼のクラブを接地したために2本のペナルティを受けた。
5. North American connect (an electrical device) with the ground.: (電子装置を)地面と接続する
⦅米⦆ 〈電気製品など〉にアース, 接地線を付ける, 〈電線など〉を接地させる(⦅英⦆ earth)
6. no object Baseball (of a batter) hit a pitched ball so that it bounces on the ground: (打者が)地面にバウンドするように投球を打つ
〘野球〙 ゴロを打つ
e.g. he grounded to second.: 彼は二塁にゴロを打った。
(ground out) (of a batter) be put out by hitting a ball on the ground to a fielder who throws it to or touches first base before the batter touches that base: 打者が一塁に触る前に一塁に投げる、タッチする野手に向かって地面にボールを打つことでアウトにされる
e.g. he grounded out to shortstop.: 彼はショートゴロを打ってアウトになった。

be thick (or thin) on the ground
existing (or not existing) in large numbers or amounts:
e.g. new textbooks on particle physics are thin on the ground.

1. do preparatory digging or other work prior to building or planting something.
2. do something innovative and beneficial: it broke ground by holding a national convention to select its candidates last year.

break new (or fresh) ground
do something innovative that is considered an advance or positive benefit.

cut the ground from under someone's feet
do something that leaves someone without a reason or justification for their actions or opinions.

informal completely or complete:
e.g. they needed to learn the business from the ground up.

become more popular or accepted:
e.g. new moral attitudes are gaining ground.

get closer to someone or something one is pursuing or with whom one is competing:
e.g. the dollar gained ground on all other major currencies.

get off the ground (or get something off the ground)
start or cause to start happening or functioning successfully:
e.g. he doesn't appreciate the steps he must take to get the negotiations off the ground.

give (or lose) ground
retreat or lose one's advantage during a conflict or competition:
e.g. he refused to give ground on this issue.

(of a fox or other animal) enter its earth or burrow.
(of a person) hide or become inaccessible, especially for a long time:
e.g. he had gone to ground following the presidential coup.

get closer to someone ahead in a race or competition.

in a place where real, practical work is done:
e.g. the troops on the ground are cynical.

in one's own territory or concerning one's own range of knowledge or experience:
e.g. I feel reasonably relaxed if I'm interviewed on my own ground.

make it easier for something to occur or be developed:
e.g. congress approved a series of measures intended to prepare the ground for the new economic structure.

run someone/something to ground
see run.

1. (also hold one's ground) not retreat or lose one's advantage in the face of opposition:
e.g. you will be able to hold your ground and resist the enemy's attack.
2. (stand your ground) US Law denoting a law or legal principle that permits a person to use deadly force in self-defense without first trying to retreat.

work (or run) oneself into the ground
exhaust oneself by working or running very hard.

Old English grund, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch grond and German Grund.

[*** \mathrm{ground}^2] | ɡround |
past and past participle of grind.

adjective attributive
reduced to fine particles by crushing or mincing: ground cumin.
shaped, roughened, or polished by grinding:
e.g. the thick opaque ground perimeter of the lenses.

ground down
exhausted or worn down.