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(建築資材としての)板材, 板〘厚さ2.5インチ以下, 幅6—12インチ程度; →
plank 〙
e.g. loose boards creaked as I walked on them
e.g. sections of board.
〖the ~s〗 劇場, 舞台
(物を載せる)台; (ゲームなどの)盤
e.g. a graphics board.
ボール紙, 厚紙
⦅米⦆ ; 〖~s〗 (アイスホッケー競技場の)木製のフェンス, 板囲い.
e.g. the absence of center David Robinson to dominate on the boards.
会議, 委員会; (官庁の)部, 局; 〖集合的に; ⦅主に英⦆ では単複両扱い〗委員会の構成員, 役員
e.g. as modifier : a board meeting
e.g. in names : the Federal Reserve Board.
e.g. your room and board will be free.
⦅やや古⦆ 食卓
〘海〙 舷側; (風上に進むときの)間切り, 一間切りの区間
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉〈バス・飛行機・列車など〉に乗り込む, 搭乗する(
get on)
e.g. we boarded the plane for Oslo
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉(バス・飛行機・列車などに)乗り込む, 搭乗する
e.g. no object : they would not be able to board without a ticket.
〖(be) ~ing〗 〈船・飛行機などが〉搭乗中である
e.g. flight 172 to Istanbul is now boarding at gate 37.
〖~+副詞〗 «…のところに» (賄い付きで)下宿する «with, at» ; 食事する
e.g. the cousins boarded for a while with Ruby.
e.g. dogs may have to be boarded at kennels.
〈扉・窓など〉に板を張る, …を閉鎖する(up); …を板で覆う(over)
e.g. the shop was still boarded up.
(of something planned or previously upheld) be abandoned, rejected, or ignored:
e.g. my education just went by the board. earlier in nautical use meaning ‘fall overboard’, used of a mast falling past the board, i.e. the side of the ship.
on or in a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.
informal onto a team or group as a member: the need to bring on board a young manager.
informal (of a jockey) riding.
informal fully consider or assimilate a new idea or situation:
e.g. we've got to take accusations of sexism on board.
tread (or walk) the boards
informal appear on stage as an actor.