verb (past
rode |rōd| ; past participle
ridden |ˈridn| )
with object 〖ride(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉 【自転車・バイクに】乗る, 乗って走る
行く «on» (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現)
e.g. no object : I haven't ridden much since the accident
〈人が〉〈自転車・バイク〉に乗る, 乗って走る[行く]
e.g. Diana went to watch him ride his horse.
〖ride(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉乗馬をする; 【馬・動物に】乗る, 乗って走る[行く] «on» (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現)
e.g. we rode on horseback
e.g. some of the officers were riding back.
e.g. he rode a Harley Davidson across the U.S.
〖ride(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉 【バス・車・船などに】(乗客として)乗る, 乗って行く «in, on» (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現; 車を自分が運転する場合は
e.g. I started riding on the buses.
⦅主に米⦆ 〈バス・車・船など〉に乗る, 乗って行く (!車を自分が運転する場合は
e.g. she rides the bus across 42nd Street.
e.g. ride the full length of the Ridgeway.
e.g. I rode a good race.
〖ride+副詞〗 〈人が〉…なように乗馬する; 〈車が〉…な乗り心地である (!〖副詞〗は様態の表現)
e.g. the van rode as well as some cars of twice the price.
⦅米・くだけて⦆ 〈人が〉〈人〉を車で連れて行く, 送る; 〈物〉を車で運ぶ (!
driveの方が普通) ; «…に» …を乗せる, 馬乗りにさせる «on» .
e.g. the taxi driver who rode Kelly into the airport not long ago.
〈人・船などが〉〈波・風など〉に乗る, 乗って進む
e.g. a stream of young surfers fighting the elements to ride the waves
e.g. figurative : the fund rode the growth boom in the 1980s.
e.g. when two lithospheric plates collide, one tends to ride over the other.
〈船などが〉 【水・波・風などに】乗って進む, 浮かぶ «in, on» ; 〈伝言などが〉 【電波に】乗って流れる «on» .
e.g. a large cedar barque rode at anchor
e.g. figurative : the moon was riding high in the sky.
〖通例be ridden〗 «…に» 支配される, 苦しめられる «by»
e.g. you must not think him ridden with angst
〖通例複合語で〗…に支配[抑圧]された; 悩まされた
e.g. as adjective in combination (
-ridden) : the crime-ridden streets.
〈パンチ〉をかわす, よける.
e.g. Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow.
⦅卑⦆ …とセックスする
⦅米話⦆ 〈人〉を困らせる, 責める, いじめる
e.g. if you don't give all the kids a chance to play, the parents ride you.
«馬・自転車・乗り物などに/…まで» 乗る[乗せる]こと «on, in/to» ; 乗り物による旅行, 移動; 乗り物で行く時間[距離] (!(1)乗り込む乗り物はin, またがる物はon. (2)車・バス・列車をはじめ, 船・飛行機にも用いる)
e.g. figurative : investors have had a bumpy ride
e.g. did you enjoy your ride?
e.g. their ride into town had dropped them off near the bridge.
e.g. that green Chevy over there, that's my ride.
e.g. the ride is comfortable, though there is a slight roll when cornering.
an easy time doing something:
e.g. I don't relax my critical standards to give them an easy ride.
for pleasure or interest, rather than any serious purpose:
e.g. I don't need anything at the mall, but I'm happy to go along for the ride.
take no immediate action over something:
e.g. as far as I can find out, the police have let it ride for the moment.
e.g. a man to ride herd on this frenetically paced enterprise.
be successful:
e.g. the economy will be riding high on the top of the next boom.
partially depress the clutch pedal of a vehicle while driving.
North American informal (of an athlete) sit on the sidelines rather than participate in a game or event:
e.g. what really bugged him was riding the pine.
North American informal ride on a train, especially on a freight train and without permission.
carry out one's own plans or wishes with arrogant disregard for (others or their wishes):
e.g. he rode roughshod over everyone else's opinions.
used to indicate that someone or something has reappeared unexpectedly and with new vigor.
British go hunting (especially fox hunting) on horseback with a pack of dogs.
a difficult time doing something:
e.g. rebel shareholders are expected to give officials a rough ride
e.g. the president has been given a rough ride by this conservative Congress.
informal deceive or cheat someone:
e.g. it's not pleasant to find out you've been taken for a ride by someone you trusted.
trample or overtake someone while on horseback.
depend on:
e.g. there is a great deal of money riding on the results of these studies.
come safely through something, especially a storm or a period of danger or difficulty:
e.g. the fleet had ridden out the storm.
(of a garment) gradually work or move upward out of its proper position:
e.g. her skirt had ridden up.