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verb (past rode |rōd| ; past participle ridden |ˈridn| ) with object
1. sit on and control the movement of (an animal, especially a horse), typically as a recreation or sport:
〖ride(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉 【自転車・バイクに】乗る, 乗って走る行く «on» (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現)
e.g. no object : I haven't ridden much since the accident
〈人が〉〈自転車・バイク〉に乗る, 乗って走る[行く]
e.g. Diana went to watch him ride his horse.
no object, with adverbial travel on a horse or other animal:
〖ride(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉乗馬をする; 【馬・動物に】乗る, 乗って走る[行く] «on» (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現)
e.g. we rode on horseback
e.g. some of the officers were riding back.
sit on and control (a bicycle or motorcycle) for recreation or as a means of transport:
e.g. he rode a Harley Davidson across the U.S.
no object (ride in/ride on) travel in or on (a vehicle) as a passenger:
〖ride(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉 【バス・車・船などに】(乗客として)乗る, 乗って行く «in, on» (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現; 車を自分が運転する場合はdriveが普通)
e.g. I started riding on the buses.
⦅主に米⦆ 〈バス・車・船など〉に乗る, 乗って行く (!車を自分が運転する場合はdriveが普通)
e.g. she rides the bus across 42nd Street.
go through or go over (an area) on horseback, a bicycle, etc.:
e.g. ride the full length of the Ridgeway.
compete in (a race) on horseback or on a bicycle or motorcycle:
e.g. I rode a good race.
no object, with adverbial or complement (of a vehicle, animal, etc.) be of a particular character for riding on or in:
〖ride+副詞〗 〈人が〉…なように乗馬する; 〈車が〉…な乗り心地である (!〖副詞〗は様態の表現)
e.g. the van rode as well as some cars of twice the price.
informal transport (someone) in a vehicle:
⦅米・くだけて⦆ 〈人が〉〈人〉を車で連れて行く, 送る; 〈物〉を車で運ぶ (!driveの方が普通) ; «…に» …を乗せる, 馬乗りにさせる «on» .
e.g. the taxi driver who rode Kelly into the airport not long ago.
2. be carried or supported by (something with a great deal of momentum):
〈人・船などが〉〈波・風など〉に乗る, 乗って進む
e.g. a stream of young surfers fighting the elements to ride the waves
e.g. figurative : the fund rode the growth boom in the 1980s.
no object project or overlap:
e.g. when two lithospheric plates collide, one tends to ride over the other.
no object (of a vessel) sail or float:
〈船などが〉 【水・波・風などに】乗って進む, 浮かぶ «in, on» ; 〈伝言などが〉 【電波に】乗って流れる «on» .
e.g. a large cedar barque rode at anchor
e.g. figurative : the moon was riding high in the sky.
3. (be ridden) be full of or dominated by:
〖通例be ridden〗 «…に» 支配される, 苦しめられる «by»
e.g. you must not think him ridden with angst
〖通例複合語で〗…に支配[抑圧]された; 悩まされた
e.g. as adjective in combination (-ridden) : the crime-ridden streets.
4. yield to (a blow) so as to reduce its impact:
〈パンチ〉をかわす, よける.
e.g. Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow.
⦅卑⦆ …とセックスする
⦅米話⦆ 〈人〉を困らせる, 責める, いじめる
e.g. if you don't give all the kids a chance to play, the parents ride you.

1. a journey made on horseback, on a bicycle or motorcycle, or in a vehicle:
«馬・自転車・乗り物などに/…まで» 乗る[乗せる]こと «on, in/to» ; 乗り物による旅行, 移動; 乗り物で行く時間[距離] (!(1)乗り込む乗り物はin, またがる物はon. (2)車・バス・列車をはじめ, 船・飛行機にも用いる)
e.g. figurative : investors have had a bumpy ride
e.g. did you enjoy your ride?
North American a person giving someone a lift in their vehicle:
e.g. their ride into town had dropped them off near the bridge.
US informal a motor vehicle:
e.g. that green Chevy over there, that's my ride.
the quality of comfort or smoothness offered by a vehicle while it is being driven, as perceived by the driver or passenger:
e.g. the ride is comfortable, though there is a slight roll when cornering.
a path, typically one through woods, for riding horses.
4. (also ride cymbal) a cymbal used for keeping up a continuous rhythm.

an easy time doing something:
e.g. I don't relax my critical standards to give them an easy ride.

for pleasure or interest, rather than any serious purpose:
e.g. I don't need anything at the mall, but I'm happy to go along for the ride.

take no immediate action over something:
e.g. as far as I can find out, the police have let it ride for the moment.

North American keep watch over:
e.g. a man to ride herd on this frenetically paced enterprise.

be successful:
e.g. the economy will be riding high on the top of the next boom.

partially depress the clutch pedal of a vehicle while driving.

North American informal (of an athlete) sit on the sidelines rather than participate in a game or event:
e.g. what really bugged him was riding the pine.

North American informal ride on a train, especially on a freight train and without permission.

carry out one's own plans or wishes with arrogant disregard for (others or their wishes):
e.g. he rode roughshod over everyone else's opinions.

used to indicate that someone or something has reappeared unexpectedly and with new vigor.

mainly British go hunting (especially fox hunting) on horseback with a pack of dogs.

a difficult time doing something:
e.g. rebel shareholders are expected to give officials a rough ride
e.g. the president has been given a rough ride by this conservative Congress.

informal deceive or cheat someone:
e.g. it's not pleasant to find out you've been taken for a ride by someone you trusted.

trample or overtake someone while on horseback.

depend on:
e.g. there is a great deal of money riding on the results of these studies.

come safely through something, especially a storm or a period of danger or difficulty:
e.g. the fleet had ridden out the storm.

(of a garment) gradually work or move upward out of its proper position:
e.g. her skirt had ridden up.

rideable (also ridable) adjective

Old English rīdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijden and German reiten.