source: [祐子が道路で衝撃波を発するGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
noun |ˈimˌpakt|
«…との» 衝突, ぶつかること; «…への» (衝突による)衝撃 «on, against»
e.g. there was the sound of a third impact
e.g. bullets that expand and cause devastating injury on impact.
〖通例単数形で〗 «…への» (社会的・精神的)影響, 衝撃, 効果 «on, upon»
e.g. our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment.
verb |imˈpakt| no object
⦅かたく⦆ «…と» 激突する, «…に» 衝突する «on, upon, with»
e.g. the shell impacted twenty yards away.
⦅かたく⦆ …と激突する, …に衝突する
e.g. an asteroid impacted the earth some 60 million years ago.
«…に» …を押しつける, 詰め込む «in, into»
e.g. the animals' feet do not impact and damage the soil as cows' hooves do.
⦅主に米⦆ 〈物・事が〉 【人・事態などに】(大きな)影響[衝撃]を与える «on, upon»
e.g. high interest rates have impacted on retail spending
⦅主に米⦆ 〈人・事態など〉に(大きな)影響[衝撃]を与える
e.g. with object : the move is not expected to impact the company's employees.
The phrasal verb impact on, as in when produce is lost, it always impacts on the bottom line, has been in the language since the 1960s. Many people disapprove of it despite its relative frequency, saying that make an impact on or other equivalent wordings should be used instead. New formations of verbs from nouns (as in the case of impact) are often regarded as somehow inferior.