generated at
go through

A〈悪い事・時期〉を経験する; A〈人生・生活〉を送る; A〈手術〉を受ける
e.g. the country is going through a period of economic instability.
〈物が〉A〈検査〉を受ける; 〈人が〉A〈過程・方法など〉を経る, A〈一連の行為〉を行う (!受け身可能)
e.g. she started to go through the bundle of letters.
〈契約などが〉(正式に)承諾される, 成立する; 〈許可証・ビザなどが〉おりる.
e.g. the sale of the building is set to go through.
4. informal use up or spend (available money or other resources).
(短期間に)A〈大量の物〉を使い果たす, A〈飲食物〉を平らげる.
5. (of a book) be successively published in (a specified number of editions):
e.g. within two years it went through thirty-one editions.