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noun |ˈkäntrakt|
a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law:
契約(書), 約定, 協約, 請負; 〖contract with [between] A〗 A〈会社など〉と[A間]の契約; 〖contract to do〗 …する契約; 〖contract for A〗 A〈売買・供給など〉のための契約
e.g. both parties must sign employment contracts
e.g. a network of doctors and hospitals under contract to provide services.
the branch of law concerned with the making and observation of contracts.
〘法〙 契約法
informal an arrangement for someone to be killed by a hired assassin:
⦅くだけて⦆ «…の» 殺人の請負 «on»
e.g. smuggling bosses routinely put out contracts on witnesses.
Bridge the declarer's undertaking to win the number of tricks bid with a stated suit as trump:
〘トランプ〙 コントラクトブリッジ(contract bridge)
e.g. South can make the contract with correct play.
dated a formal agreement to marry.

1. |kənˈtrakt| no object decrease in size, number, or range:
〈物質・筋肉などが〉縮まる, 収縮する; 〈経済などが〉縮小する(↔ expand)
e.g. glass contracts as it cools.
(of a muscle) become shorter and tighter in order to effect movement of part of the body:
〈物質・筋肉などが〉縮まる, 収縮する
e.g. the heart is a muscle that contracts about seventy times a minute
…を縮める, 縮小する, 減少させる; 〈筋肉など〉を収縮させる; 〈まゆなど〉をしかめる
e.g. with object : then contract your lower abdominal muscles.
with object shorten (a word or phrase) by combination or elision:
«…に» 〈語句〉を短縮する «to»
e.g. “quasistellar object” was soon contracted to “quasar.”.
2. |ˈkänˌtrakt, kənˈtrakt| no object enter into a formal and legally binding agreement:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉 «人などと/…の/…する» 契約を結ぶ, 請け負う «with/for/to do»
e.g. the local authority will contract with a wide range of agencies to provide services.
secure specified rights or undertake specified obligations in a formal and legally binding agreement:
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖contract to do〗 〈人が〉…する契約を結ぶ
e.g. a buyer may contract for the right to withhold payment
e.g. the paper had contracted to publish extracts from the diaries.
impose an obligation on (someone) to do something by means of a formal agreement:
〖contract A for B/to do〗 A〈人・会社など〉にB〈仕事など〉を[…することを]請け負わせる
e.g. health authorities contract a hospital to treat a specific number of patients.
with object (contract something out) arrange for work to be done by another organization:
«…に» A〈仕事など〉を下請けに出す «to»
e.g. local authorities will have to contract out waste management.
with object formally enter into (a marriage):
e.g. before Fanny met him, he had contracted a disastrous liaison and marriage.
with object enter into (a friendship or other relationship):
⦅かたく⦆ «…と» 〈関係など〉を結ぶ «with»
e.g. the patterns of social relationships contracted by men and women differ.
3. |kənˈtrakt| with object catch or develop (a disease or infectious agent):
⦅かたく⦆ 〈比較的重い病気〉にかかる (!進行形にしない; 軽い病気にはget, catchなどを用いる)
e.g. three people contracted a killer virus.
4. |kənˈtrakt| with object become liable to pay (a debt):
〈悪習など〉が身につく; 〈負債〉をこしらえる.
e.g. he contracted a debt of $3,300.

contractee |ˌkänˌtrakˈtē| noun
contractive |kənˈtraktiv| adjective

Middle English: via Old French from Latin contractus, from contract-drawn together, tightened’, from the verb contrahere, from con-together’ + traheredraw’.