generated at
ex-out’ + pandere ‘to spread
source: [顔を膨らませるプリン|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 2948292]

become or make larger or more extensive:
〈物・事が〉(大きさ・数・重要性の点で)ふくらむ, 膨張する(↔ contract); ⦅かたく⦆ 〈たたまれていたものが〉広がる
e.g. no object : their business expanded into other hotels and properties
(大きさ・数・重要性の点で)〈物・事〉をふくらませる, 膨張させる; ⦅かたく⦆ 〈たたんだもの〉を広げる
e.g. with object : baby birds cannot expand and contract their lungs.
no object Physics (of the universe) undergo a continuous change whereby, according to theory based on observed redshifts, all the galaxies recede from one another.
no object (expand on) give a fuller version or account of:
«…について» さらに詳しく述べる, 詳説する(enlarge) «on» , ⦅よりかたく⦆ «upon»
e.g. Anne expanded on the theory.

expandable | ikˈspandəb(ə)l | adjective
expander | ikˈspandər | noun
expansibility | ikˌspansəˈbilədē | noun
expansible | ikˈspansəb(ə)l | adjective

late Middle English: from Latin expandere ‘to spread out’, from ex-out’ + pandere ‘to spread’.