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1. with object force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place:
〈人が〉 【人に】〈意見・信念など〉を押しつける; 〈不良品など〉を売りつける «on, upon»
e.g. the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others.
【人・会社・物などに】〈制限・条件・税・罰金など〉を課する «on, upon»
e.g. sanctions imposed on South Africa.
〖~ oneself on [upon] A〗 〈人が〉A〈ある場面など〉にでしゃばる, 押しかける
e.g. the director was unable to impose himself on the production.
2. no object take advantage of someone by demanding their attention or commitment:
〖~ on [upon] A〗 A〈人など〉につけ込む, 甘える; A〈人〉をだます
e.g. she realized that she had imposed on Miss Hatherby's kindness.
3. with object Printing arrange (pages of type) so that they will be in the correct order after printing and folding.
〘印〙 …を組付けする

late 15th century (in the sense ‘impute’): from French imposer, from Latin imponereinflict, deceive’ (from in-in, upon’ + ponereput’), but influenced by impositusinflicted’ and Old French poser ‘to place’.