[*** \mathrm{base}^1] |bās|
基底, 基部, 土台, 台, ふもと, つけ根
e.g. she sat down at the base of a tree.
e.g. a shoot is produced at the base of the stem.
底辺; 底面
e.g. the base of the triangle.
(政治・経済活動などの)基盤, 母体; 支持者層
e.g. the town's economic base collapsed.
(知識・構想などの)基礎, 根拠, 根底, 下地(
e.g. uses existing data as the base for the study.
e.g. a client base.
(活動の)起点, 本拠地, 中心地; (軍の)基地
e.g. the corporal headed back to base
e.g. a base for shipping operations.
e.g. she makes the studio her base.
〖通例単数形で〗(食品・薬品などの)ベース, 主成分
e.g. soaps with a vegetable oil base.
e.g. her makeup artist works with base, eye makeup, and lipstick.
〘化〙 塩基
〘言〙 語幹, 語根
〖通例単数形で〗〘数〙 基数
〘野球〙 塁, ベース
e.g. she and her boyfriend got to second base.
verb with object
〖base A on [⦅かたく⦆ upon] B〗 A〈判断・推論・構想など〉の基礎[根拠]をB〈考え・事実など〉に置く, B〈事実など〉をもとにA〈推論など〉を構築する (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the film is based on a novel by Pat Conroy
e.g. inaccurate conclusions based on incomplete facts.
〖be based in [at] A〗 〈組織などが〉A〈場所〉を拠点とする; 〈人などが〉Aに配置される
e.g. as adjective, in combination (-based) : a London-based band
e.g. a research program based at the University of Arizona.
informal mistaken:
e.g. the boy is way off-base.
informal briefly make or renew contact with someone:
e.g. they are travelling back to Star City, where they plan to touch base with relatives.
[*** \mathrm{base}^2] |bās|
e.g. base motives
LOW may connote crafty cunning, vulgarity, or immorality and regularly implies an outraging of one's sense of decency or propriety.
e.g. refused to listen to such low talk
VILE, the strongest of these words, tends to suggest disgusting depravity or filth.
e.g. a vile remark
⦅文⦆ 〈行為などが〉(道徳的に)恥ずべき, さもしい, 卑劣な, 卑しい
e.g. the electorate's baser instincts of greed and selfishness
e.g. we hope his motives are nothing so base as money.
〈金属などが〉質の悪い, 価値の低い; 劣悪な; 偽の
e.g. the basest coins in the purse were made in the seventh century ad.