generated at

1. a horizontal plane or line with respect to the distance above or below a given point.
(ある高さの)水平面; 水平
a height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base:
(地面・海面からの)高さ; (ある基準からの)高さ, 水位
e.g. storms caused river levels to rise.
2. a position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality:
(数量・規模などの)程度, 度合い, レベル
e.g. a high level of unemployment
e.g. debt rose to unprecedented levels.
(技能・能力などの)水準, レベル
e.g. at six he could play chess at an advanced level.
a position in a real or notional hierarchy:
(組織などでの)階層, 地位, レベル; (特定の地位を占める)人々
e.g. a fairly junior level of management.
3. Gaming (in a video game) each of a series of stages of increasing difficulty through which a player may progress, completing one stage in order to reach the next:
e.g. I've now reached level 106 on Candy Crush Saga.
(especially in a role-playing game) each of a number of steps in the development of a character, who progressively acquires enhanced skills and abilities within the game as the player advances by completing tasks and earning points:
e.g. you can easily take a character to level 20 in less than 15 hours and finish the campaign.
4. a device consisting of a sealed glass tube partially filled with alcohol or other liquid, containing an air bubble whose position reveals whether a surface is perfectly level or plumb. Also called spirit level, bubble level.
⦅主に米⦆ アルコール水準器(⦅主に英⦆ spirit level); 水準測定
5. a flat tract of land:
平地, 平原
e.g. flooded levels.

1. having a flat and even surface without slopes or bumps:
平らな, 水平な; 傾いていない(even); 起伏のない(flat)
e.g. we had reached level ground.
(of a quantity of a dry substance) with the contents not rising above the brim of the measure:
〖a ~ A of B〗 (料理で)A〈スプーンなど〉ですり切り1杯のB〈調味料など〉 (!ofはしばしば省略される)
e.g. a level teaspoon of salt.
2. at the same height as someone or something else:
〖be ~〗 «…と» 同じ高さ[水準]の; 対等の, 同程度の
e.g. his eyes were level with hers.
3. having the same relative position; not in front of or behind:
e.g. the car braked suddenly, then backed rapidly until it was level with me.
chiefly British having the same position or score in a contest:
⦅主に英⦆ 〈チームが〉同点の «with»
e.g. the two teams finished level on points.
unchanged; not having risen or fallen:
一様の, むらのない, 変化のない〈調子・色など〉
e.g. earnings were level at 57 cents a share.
4. calm and steady:
落ち着いた〈声・視線など〉; 感情を表に出さない
e.g. “Adrian,” she said in her most level voice.

1. with object give a flat and even surface to:
〈人・機械が〉〈土地など〉を平らにする; …の表面をならす(off, out)
e.g. contractors started leveling the ground for the new power station.
〈災害などが〉〈建物・地域〉を完全に破壊する; ⦅話⦆ 〈人〉を打ち倒す
e.g. bulldozers are now waiting to level their home.
平らになる; 平均化する(off, out).
e.g. the track leveled out, and there below us was the bay.
…を平等[一様]にする(off, out)
e.g. inflation has leveled out at an acceptable rate.
3. with object chiefly British make (something, especially a score in sport) equal or similar:
⦅英⦆ 〈人・チームが〉 «…と» 〈得点など〉を同じにする «to, with»
e.g. Woods sliced the ball into the net to level the score.
with object (level something up/level something down) increase or reduce the amount, number, or quantity of something in order to remove a disparity.
A〈地面など〉を高い方へならす; A〈地面など〉を低い方へならす
4. with object aim (a weapon):
«…に» 〈銃など〉を向ける «at»
e.g. he leveled a long-barreled pistol at us.
«…に» (公然と)〈非難・批判など〉を向ける «at, against» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. accusations of corruption had been leveled against him.
5. no object (level with) informal be frank or honest with (someone):
⦅くだけて⦆ (隠していた事実などを)A〈人〉に正直に話す
e.g. when are you going to level with me?
〈土地〉の高低を測る, 水準測量をする

do one's utmost; make all possible efforts.

(of a liquid) reach the same height in containers which are interconnected.
reach a stable level, value, or position without interference.

(of a person) reach a position or competency that seems appropriate and natural in relation to one's associates.

a situation in which everyone has a fair and equal chance of succeeding.

informal honest; truthful:
e.g. Eddie said my story was on the level.

equal with:
e.g. they were treated as menials, on a level with cooks.

further improve or develop something that is already successful:
e.g. five years after founding my software company, I'm ready to take it to the next level.

Gaming (especially in a role-playing game) progress to the next level:
e.g. you can collect runes and use them as you level up to increase the power of your weapons.
(level something up) (in a role-playing game) advance one's character to the next level of development:
e.g. build your army, level up your hero, purchase equipment, and challenge your friends to massive battles.

levelly |ˈlevəlē| adverb
level (sense 4 of the adjective)

Middle English (denoting an instrument to determine whether a surface is horizontal): from Old French livel, based on Latin libella, diminutive of librascales, balance’.