(ある高さの)水平面; 水平
(地面・海面からの)高さ; (ある基準からの)高さ, 水位
e.g. storms caused river levels to rise.
(数量・規模などの)程度, 度合い, レベル
e.g. a high level of unemployment
e.g. debt rose to unprecedented levels.
(技能・能力などの)水準, レベル
e.g. at six he could play chess at an advanced level.
(組織などでの)階層, 地位, レベル; (特定の地位を占める)人々
e.g. a fairly junior level of management.
e.g. I've now reached level 106 on Candy Crush Saga.
e.g. you can easily take a character to level 20 in less than 15 hours and finish the campaign.
平地, 平原
e.g. flooded levels.
e.g. we had reached level ground.
〖a ~ A of B〗 (料理で)A〈スプーンなど〉ですり切り1杯のB〈調味料など〉 (!ofはしばしば省略される)
e.g. a level teaspoon of salt.
2. at the
same height as someone or something else:
〖be ~〗 «…と» 同じ高さ[水準]の; 対等の, 同程度の
e.g. his eyes were level with hers.
e.g. the car braked suddenly, then backed rapidly until it was level with me.
⦅主に英⦆ 〈チームが〉同点の «with»
e.g. the two teams finished level on points.
一様の, むらのない, 変化のない〈調子・色など〉
e.g. earnings were level at 57 cents a share.
落ち着いた〈声・視線など〉; 感情を表に出さない
e.g. “Adrian,” she said in her most level voice.
〈人・機械が〉〈土地など〉を平らにする; …の表面をならす(off, out)
e.g. contractors started leveling the ground for the new power station.
〈災害などが〉〈建物・地域〉を完全に破壊する; ⦅話⦆ 〈人〉を打ち倒す
e.g. bulldozers are now waiting to level their home.
平らになる; 平均化する(off, out).
e.g. the track leveled out, and there below us was the bay.
…を平等[一様]にする(off, out)
e.g. inflation has leveled out at an acceptable rate.
⦅英⦆ 〈人・チームが〉 «…と» 〈得点など〉を同じにする «to, with»
e.g. Woods sliced the ball into the net to level the score.
A〈地面など〉を高い方へならす; A〈地面など〉を低い方へならす
«…に» 〈銃など〉を向ける «at»
e.g. he leveled a long-barreled pistol at us.
«…に» (公然と)〈非難・批判など〉を向ける «at, against» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. accusations of corruption had been leveled against him.
⦅くだけて⦆ (隠していた事実などを)A〈人〉に正直に話す
e.g. when are you going to level with me?
〈土地〉の高低を測る, 水準測量をする
do one's utmost; make all possible efforts.
(of a liquid) reach the same height in containers which are interconnected.
reach a stable level, value, or position without interference.
(of a person) reach a position or competency that seems appropriate and natural in relation to one's associates.
a situation in which everyone has a fair and equal chance of succeeding.
informal honest; truthful:
e.g. Eddie said my story was on the level.
equal with:
e.g. they were treated as menials, on a level with cooks.
further improve or develop something that is already successful:
e.g. five years after founding my software company, I'm ready to take it to the next level.
Gaming (especially in a role-playing game) progress to the next level:
e.g. you can collect runes and use them as you level up to increase the power of your weapons.
(level something up) (in a role-playing game) advance one's character to the next level of development:
e.g. build your army, level up your hero, purchase equipment, and challenge your friends to massive battles.
level (sense 4 of the adjective)