均衡, バランス, 釣り合い; 均衡のとれた状態; (体の)平衡(感覚)
e.g. she lost her balance before falling
e.g. slipping in the mud but keeping their balance.
(力・質・量などで)調和(のとれた状態), 釣り合い, バランス (!具体例ではa ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う) (↔
imbalance); 〖a ~ between A and B〗 AとBとの釣り合い
e.g. in singular : try to keep a balance between work and relaxation
e.g. overseas investments can add balance to an investment portfolio.
(心の)平静, 落ち着き
e.g. the way to some kind of peace and personal balance.
e.g. the balance of the voices is good.
〖単数形で〗 «…に対して» 均衡をとるもの, 相殺するもの «to»
〖the ~〗 大勢, 優位
e.g. the balance of opinion was that work was more important than leisure.
〘商〙 預金残高
e.g. he accumulated a healthy balance with the savings bank.
〖通例the ~〗 (負債の)残金, 未払い金
e.g. unpaid credit-card balances.
verb with object
e.g. a mug that she balanced on her knee.
e.g. Richard balanced on the ball of one foot.
…を相殺する, 埋め合わせる
e.g. the cost of obtaining such information needs to be balanced against its benefits.
〖~ A and B/with B〗 〈人が〉A〈物・事〉とB〈物・事〉の両立を図る, 釣り合いをとる
e.g. he balanced his radical remarks with more familiar declarations.
e.g. they are struggling to balance work and family life.
〘経〙 …の収支を合わせる; …を収入内におさめる
e.g. the law requires the council to balance its books each year.
the difference in total value between payments into and out of a country over a period.
1. a situation in which nations of the world have roughly equal power.
2. the power held by a small group when larger groups are of equal strength.
the difference in value between a country's imports and exports.
uncertain; at a critical stage: his survival hung in the balance for days.
with all things considered: but on balance he was pleased.
choose a moderate course or compromise: she's decided to strike a balance between fashionable and accessible.