generated at
[*** \mathrm{plane}^1] | plān |

1. a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie:
〖単数形で〗平面, 面
e.g. the horizontal plane.
e.g. the planets orbit the sun in roughly the same plane.
e.g. the plane of his forehead.
a flat surface producing lift by the action of air or water over and under it.
〖形容詞を伴って〗(話・思想などの)水準, 次元, レベル; (発達などの)程度, 段階
e.g. everything is connected on the spiritual plane.

adjective attributive
relating to only two-dimensional surfaces or magnitudes:
e.g. plane and solid geometry.

verb no object, with adverbial
(of a bird or an airborne object) soar without moving the wings; glide:
e.g. a bird planed down toward the water below.
(of a boat, surfboard, etc.) skim over the surface of water as a result of lift produced hydrodynamically.

early 17th century: from Latin planumflat surface’, neuter of the adjective planusplain’. The adjective was suggested by French plan(e)flat’. The word was introduced to differentiate the geometrical senses, previously expressed by plain1, from the latter's other meanings.

[*** \mathrm{plane}^2] | plān |

飛行機, 航空機 (!⦅主に米⦆ airplane, ⦅主に英⦆ aeroplaneより⦅くだけて⦆ ) ; (定期)航空便 (!特定の会社の便をさす場合はflight)

verb no object, with adverbial of direction
⦅話⦆ 〈人が〉 «…から/…へ» 飛行機で旅行する «from/to» .

early 20th century: shortened form.

[*** \mathrm{plane}^3] | plān |

a tool consisting of a block with a projecting steel blade, used to smooth a wooden or other surface by paring shavings from it.

verb with object
smooth (wood or other material) with a plane.
…をかんなで削り取る(away, off).
reduce or remove (redundant material) with a plane:
…にかんなをかける, …を削る(down); 〖~ A C〗 AにかんなをかけてC〈状態〉にする
e.g. high areas can be planed down.
archaic make smooth or level:
e.g. let us exert our abilities to plane the way for his passage.

Middle English: from a variant of obsolete French plaineplaning instrument’, from late Latin plana (in the same sense), from Latin planare ‘make level’, from planusplain, level’.

[*** \mathrm{plane}^4] | plān | (also plane tree)

〘植〙 プラタナス, スズカケノキ(plane tree)
>Genus Platanus, family Platanaceae. See also sycamore.

late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin platanus, from Greek platanos, from platusbroad’.