generated at

point 類義 wideとbroad
wide: 物理的な幅の広さを示す最も一般的な語で, 両端の開き・間隔に重点がある
broad: 〘主に書〙 で, 物理的な幅と共に広がりに重点があり, そこからとらえられる感情や雰囲気なども示して肯定的に捉えられ, 身体部位についてはbroadの方が好まれる
どちらともa wide [broad] ... ofの形で抽象名詞と共に用いられるが, wideの方が頻度は高い

point BROAD, WIDE, DEEP mean having horizontal extent.
e.g. a broad avenue
WIDE is more common when units of measurement are mentioned rugs eight feet wide or applied to unfilled space between limits.
e.g. a wide doorway
BROAD is preferred when full horizontal extent is considered.
e.g. broad shoulders
DEEP may indicate horizontal extent away from the observer or from a front or peripheral point.
e.g. a deep cupboard deep woods

⦅主に書・しばしばほめて⦆ 〈道路・川・体の一部などが〉幅の広い, 広がりのある(↔ narrow)
e.g. a broad staircase.
(after a measurement) giving the distance from side to side:
e.g. the valley is three miles long and half a mile broad.
〈海・陸などが〉広々とした, 広大な
e.g. a broad expanse of prairie.
〖通例名詞の前で〗広範囲に及ぶ, 多様な
e.g. a broad range of experience.
having or incorporating a wide range of meanings, applications, or kinds of things; loosely defined:
e.g. three broad categories of mutual funds.
including or coming from many people of many kinds:
e.g. broad support for the president's foreign policy.
〖通例名詞の前で〗大体の, 一般的な
e.g. a broad outline of NATO's position.
明らかな, 明白な〈ヒントなど〉
e.g. a broad hint.
〘音声〙 〈母音が〉開口音の(↔ narrow)
4. somewhat coarse and indecent:
〈冗談などが〉やや下品な, 露骨な
e.g. what we regard as broad or even bawdy is a fact of nature to him.
5. (of a regional accent) very noticeable and strong:
e.g. his broad Bronx accent.

noun North American informal
⦅米俗・やや古・けなして⦆ 女; あばずれ
e.g. I get drunk, follow the pretty broads, and make a fool of myself.

fat around the hips.

during the day, when it is light, and surprising or unexpected for this reason:
e.g. the kidnapping took place in broad daylight.

broadness |ˈbrôdnəs| noun

Old English brād, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch breed and German breit.