generated at
meet: 基本的に正式な紹介を経て会う事をさすため, 日常的に約束して会う場合や偶然に会う場合に用いる事はあってもやや改まった感じを伴い, 会って会話を交わすことを暗示する.
see: よりくだけた雰囲気の語で, 会話を交わす場合にも単に姿を見ただけの場合にも用いる
get together (with): 会う, 集まる, 待ち合わせることを表すくだけた日常表現
run into, bump into: 「〈人〉に偶然出会う」の意のくだけた言い方.

source: [ディーふらぐ!の柴崎芦花が子王八を踏んづけて壁にぶつかるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 648229]

ぶつかること; ⦅くだけて⦆ (車の軽い)衝突.
e.g. a nasty bump on the head.
〘空〙 上昇, 乱気流
ドスン, ゴツン
(道などの)隆起, でこぼこ; ⦅主に米⦆ (駐車場などの)スピードバンプ, 減速帯(speed bump)(→ hump ).
e.g. bumps in the road.
a swelling on the skin, especially one caused by illness or injury.
dated a prominence on a person's skull, formerly thought to indicate a particular mental faculty; such a faculty:
⦅やや古/おどけて⦆ 頭蓋骨の隆起; 骨相.
e.g. he was making the most of his bump of direction.
3. informal, chiefly US an increase:
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 増加, 上昇; 昇給, 昇進.
e.g. a slight bump in sales.
4. a loosely woven fleeced cotton fabric used in upholstery and as lining material.

1. no object knock or run into someone or something with a jolt:
〈人などが〉 «…に» ぶつかる, ドシンと当たる(together) «against, into»
e.g. I almost bumped into him
〈人が〉 «…に» 〈人・物〉をぶつける «on, against» ; …にぶつかる
e.g. with object : she bumped the girl with her hip.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈人〉と偶然に会う, 出くわす
e.g. we might just bump into each other.
with object hurt or damage (something) by striking or knocking it against something else:
e.g. she bumped her head on the sink.
with object cause to collide with something:
e.g. she went through the door, bumping the bag against it.
2. no object, with adverbial of direction move or travel with much jolting and jarring:
〈車などが〉(走行中に)ガタガタ揺れる(across, along); 【道などを】ガタガタと進む «along, down»
e.g. the car bumped along the rutted track.
with object and adverbial of direction push (something) jerkily in a specified direction:
〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈物〉をガタゴト引いて, 押して進ませる; 〖~ one's way+副詞〗 〈道〉をガタゴト進む (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現) .
e.g. she had to bump the wheelchair down the steps.
3. with object refuse (a passenger) a reserved place on an airline flight, typically because of deliberate overbooking.
⦅くだけて⦆ (飛行機などの予約超過で)〈客の予約〉を取り消す; «…から» 〈人〉をはじき出す(off) «out of, from, off» ; «…へと» 〈人〉を移す(up) «to» .
North American cause to move from a job or position, typically in favor of someone else; displace:
⦅米⦆ 【ほかの人のために】〈人〉を解任, 解職する «for» .
e.g. she was bumped for a youthful model.

informal a problem or setback:
e.g. their relationship has hit another bump in the road.

informal murder someone.

informal move someone to a higher level or status; promote: he was a writer for nine years before he was bumped up to editor.

1. make larger, greater, or more numerous; increase: they finally agreed to bump up her salary.
2. make, complete, or release earlier than planned or expected: the date of publication was bumped up.

mid 16th century (as a verb): imitative, perhaps of Scandinavian origin.