generated at
point 手で打つ
hit: 人や物を打ったりたたいたりすることをいう最も一般的な語. 手や棒を使って人や物をすばやく打つことをいい, ねらいを定めて通例1回打つことをいう
strike: 〘かたく〙 で, 手や武器を使って人や物を強く打つこと
punch: 特にけんかのときに握りこぶしで人や物をできるだけ強くなぐることをいう
beat: 手や棒で何度も, 通例強くたたくこと
knock: 訪問を知らせるためにドアをたたいたり, 何かをすばやい動きでたたいて落とさせたり移動させたり, 人を激しくたたくときに用いる
slap: 手の平で顔など平らな面をぴしゃりとたたくこと
bang: 何かを大きな音がするくらい激しくたたくこと
source: [ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った?の玉置亜子がドアをドンドン叩くGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 945660]

1. no object strike a surface noisily to attract attention, especially when waiting to be let in through a door: 注意を引きつけるために表面を大きな音をたてて叩く。特にドア越しに入れてもらうのを待っている時。
〖knock on/at A〗 A〈ドア・窓など〉を(コツコツ)たたく, ノックする
alert onはたたく動作, atはたたく対象物に焦点を当てる;
windowの時にatを用いるのは⦅まれ⦆ ;
e.g. I knocked on the kitchen door.: 私はキッチンのドアをノックした。
strike or thump together or against something: 何かと一緒に、何かに対して打つ、ゴツンと殴る
〈人・物が〉 【物・人に】ぶつかる, 衝突する; 【人に】ばったり出会う «against, into»
e.g. my knees were knocking and my lips quivering.: 膝がぶつかって私の唇がかすかに震えていた。
(of a motor or other engine) make a regular thumping or rattling noise because of improper ignition.: (モーターや他のエンジンが)不適切な点火のためにガンガン、ガラガラと規則的な音を建てる
〈エンジンが〉ノッキングを起こす; 〈パイプなどが〉ガタガタ音を立てる.
2. with object collide with (someone or something), giving them a hard blow: 強打を与えるくらい、(人やものに)衝突する
«…に» 〈体の部分・物〉をぶつける «against, on»
e.g. he deliberately ran into her, knocking her shoulder: 彼は彼女の肩にぶつけるように故意にぶつかった。
run into: ~にぶつかる
e.g. no object : he knocked into an elderly man.: 彼はその老齢の男性にぶつかった。
force to move or fall with a deliberate or accidental blow or collision: 故意もしくは偶然の強打や衝突を伴って無理やり動かす、転げさせる
1 〖knock+副詞〗 (何かを落とす, 移動させるためにすばやい動きで)〈人・物〉をたたく, なぐる, 打つ, ける; 〖knock AC〗 A〈人・物〉をなぐって, たたいてC〈状態〉にする (!Cは状態を表す〖形容詞〗, 方向・結果を表す〖分詞〗, 前置詞句;)
e.g. he'd knocked over a glass of water.: 彼はいっぱいの水をひっくり返した。
injure or damage by striking: ぶつけて怪我をさせる、負傷させる 
e.g. she knocked her knee painfully on the table: 彼女はテーブルに痛いほど激しく膝をぶつけた。
e.g. figurative : you have had a setback that has knocked your self-esteem.: あなたの自尊心を叩いてきた挫折をあなたは経験していた。
make (a hole or a dent) in something by striking it forcefully: 強く打つことで何かに(穴、くぼみ)を作る
〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈穴など〉を打って作る (!〖副詞〗は場所・経路の表現)
e.g. he suggests we knock a hole through the wall into the broom closet.: 彼は私達が箒棚の壁を抜けた穴を作ることを提案した。
demolish the barriers between (rooms or buildings): (部屋や、建物)の間の障害を壊す
e.g. two of the downstairs rooms had been knocked into one.: 階下の2つの部屋は一つにされた。
3. with object informal talk disparagingly about; criticize.: 〜について蔑んで話す; 批判する
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈人・仕事など〉をけなす, こき下ろす
e.g. Don't knock it till you've tried it.: やってみるまでけちをつけるな

1. a sudden short sound caused by a blow, especially on a door to attract attention or gain entry.: 叩くことで引き起こされた突然の短い音。特に注意を引くためや、入ることを得るためにドアで。
(硬い物を)たたく, ノックする音;
a continual thumping or rattling sound made by an engine because of improper ignition.: 不適切な点火のためにエンジンから出される断続的なガンガン、ガラガラという音
2. a blow or collision: 打つこと、衝突
(体の部分などを)たたく, 打つこと
e.g. the casing is tough enough to withstand knocks.: その覆いは衝突に耐えられるほど十分に頑丈だ。
a discouraging experience; a setback: がっかりさせるような経験; 後退させるもの
⦅くだけて⦆ 不運, 災難
e.g. the region's industries have taken a severe knock.: その地方の産業は深刻な災難に見舞われた。
3. informal a critical comment.: 批判的なコメント
⦅くだけて⦆ 酷評, 悪口, こき下ろし

knock someone's block off
informal hit someone very hard in anger.

knock someone dead
informal greatly impress someone.

knock someone into the middle of next week
informal hit someone very hard.

knock it off
informal used to tell someone to stop doing something that one finds annoying or foolish.

knock someone on the head
stun or kill someone by a blow to the head.

the school of hard knocks
painful or difficult experiences that are seen to be useful in teaching someone about life.

you could have knocked me (or her, him, etc.) down with a feather
informal used to express great surprise.

knock someone/something about (or around)
injure or damage someone or something by rough treatment.

knock something back
informal consume a drink quickly and entirely: we knocked back a few beers.

knock someone down (or over)
chiefly British (especially of a vehicle) strike or collide with someone so as to cause them to fall to the ground.

knock something down
1. demolish a building.
take machinery or furniture to pieces for transportation.
2. (at an auction) confirm the sale of an article to a bidder by a knock with a hammer.
informal reduce the price of an article.
3. US informal earn a specified sum as a wage.

knock off
informal stop work.

knock someone off
1. informal kill someone.
2. British vulgar slang have sexual intercourse with a woman.

knock something off
1. informal produce a piece of work quickly and easily, especially to order.
2. informal deduct an amount from a total:
e.g. when the bill came, they knocked off $600 because of a little scratch.
3. British informal steal something.
informal make an illegal copy of a product.

knock someone out
make a person unconscious, typically with a blow to the head.
knock down (a boxer) for a count of ten, thereby winning the contest.
(knock oneself out) informal work so hard that one is exhausted.
informal astonish or greatly impress someone.

knock something out
1. destroy a machine or damage it so that it stops working.
destroy or disable enemy installations or equipment.
2. informal produce work at a steady fast rate:
e.g. if you knock out a thousand words a day you'll soon have it finished.
3. empty a tobacco pipe by tapping it against a surface.

knock someone over
chiefly British (especially of a vehicle) strike or collide with someone so as to cause them to fall to the ground:
e.g. a boy on a bike knocked him over and broke his glasses.

knock something over
North American informal rob a store or similar establishment: they knocked over a liquor store.

knock someone sideways
informal astonish someone.

knock something together
assemble something in a hasty and makeshift way.

knock someone up
1. vulgar slang make a woman pregnant.
2. British knock at someone's door.

knock around (or about) informal
travel without a specific purpose:
e.g. for a couple of years she and I knocked around the Mediterranean.
happen to be present:
e.g. it gets confusing when there are too many people knocking about.
chiefly British spend time with someone:
e.g. she knocked around with artists.

Old English cnocian, of imitative origin.