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1. (of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly:
〈物・時間・資源などが〉貴重な, 大切な, むだにできない; 〈宝石・貴金属などが〉高価な, 希少な
e.g. precious works of art
e.g. my time is precious.
greatly loved or treasured by someone:
〈記憶・所持品などが〉 «…にとって» かけがえのない, 大事な «to»
e.g. look after my daughter—she's very precious to me.
attributive informal used for emphasis, often in an ironic context:
⦅くだけた話⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗(相手の)大事な (!相手へのいらだちを暗示)
e.g. a precious lot you know about dogs!
比較なし ⦅かたく・非難して⦆ 〈文体などが〉凝った; 〈行為などが〉不自然な, ぎこちない, 気取った.
e.g. his exaggerated, precious manner.

used as a term of address for a beloved person:
e.g. don't be frightened, my precious.

extremely little or few (used for emphasis):
e.g. police still know precious little about the dead man
e.g. you'll find precious few attractions open outside of the tourist season.

preciously |ˈpreSHəslē| adverb
preciousness |ˈpreSHəsnəs| noun