[*** \mathrm{root}^1] |ro͞ot|
〖通例~s〗 根, 地下茎
e.g. cacti have deep and spreading roots
e.g. a tree root.
〘植〙 根付き植物
(歯・毛・爪などの)根元, つけ根
e.g. her hair was fairer at the roots.
e.g. a little lever near the root of the barrel.
〖通例the ~〗 (問題などの)根源, (根本的)原
e.g. love of money is the root of all evil
e.g. jealousy was at the root of it
e.g. as modifier : the root cause of the problem.
e.g. matters at the heart and root of existence.
〖one's ~s〗 (自分・祖先の)ルーツ, 故郷, 心のよりどころ; 祖先
e.g. it's always nice to return to my roots.
〖通例~s〗 (習慣・伝統などの)起源, ルーツ
e.g. roots music.
〘宗〙 (聖書の)子孫
e.g. the root of David.
〘言〙 語根
e.g. many European words stem from this linguistic root
e.g. as modifier : the root form of the word.
〘楽〙 基音
〘数〙 根; ルート
e.g. find the cube root of the result.
e.g. the roots of the equation differ by an integer.
e.g. make sure that these files can only be accessed by the root user
e.g. I need to log in as root on my system to resolve an issue.
verb with object
〖通例be ~ed/~ oneself〗 〈植物が〉根付く
e.g. root your own cuttings from stock plants.
e.g. large trees had rooted in the canal bank.
〖be ~ed〗 〈物・事が〉 【場所などに】定着している, 根付いている
e.g. vegetarianism is rooted in Indian culture.
〈考えなどが〉 «…に» 基づいている «in»
e.g. the Latin dubitare is rooted in an Indo-European word.
〖be ~ed〗 (恐怖・感動などで)〈人などが〉 【場所で】動けなくなる «to»
e.g. she found herself rooted to the spot in disbelief.
e.g. we explained how to manually root almost any Android device.
basically; fundamentally:
e.g. it is a moral question at root.
(of a plant) begin to draw nourishment from the soil through its roots.
(of a person) begin to have a settled life in a particular place.
used to express the thorough or radical nature of a process or operation:
e.g. root and branch reform of personal taxation.
affect in a vital area with potentially destructive results:
e.g. the proposals struck at the roots of community life.
(of a plant) begin to grow and draw nourishment from the soil through its roots.
become fixed or established:
e.g. the idea had taken root in my mind.
find and get rid of someone or something regarded as pernicious or dangerous:
e.g. a campaign to root out corruption.
[*** \mathrm{root}^2] |ro͞ot|
verb no object, with adverbial
〈豚などが〉 【餌などを】鼻で地面を掘って捜す «for» .
e.g. stray dogs rooting around for bones and scraps.
⦅くだけて⦆ «…の中を» (引っかき回して)探す(about, around) «through, in»
e.g. she was rooting through a pile of papers.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈食べ物など〉を捜し出す(out)
e.g. he managed to root out the cleaning kit.
noun in singular
e.g. I have a root through the open drawers.
informal support or hope for the success of (a person or group entering a contest or undertaking a challenge):
e.g. the whole of this club is rooting for him.
e.g. his mother rooted him on enthusiastically from ringside.