e.g. conflict is essential in drama
FUNDAMENTAL applies to something that is a foundation without which an entire system or complex whole would collapse.
e.g. fundamental principles of algebra
VITAL suggests something that is necessary to a thing's continued existence or operation.
e.g. cut off from vital supplies
CARDINAL suggests something on which an outcome turns or depends.
e.g. a cardinal rule in buying a home
«…にとって» 必要不可欠な, きわめて重要な, 必須の(
crucial) «for, to»
e.g. with infinitive : it is essential to keep up-to-date records
e.g. fiber is an essential ingredient.
〖名詞の前で〗本質的な, 根本的な, 基本的な〈特徴・違いなど〉
e.g. the essential weakness of the plaintiff's case.
〘医〙 本態性の, 特発性の
e.g. essential hypertension.
〖通例~s〗 必要不可欠な[絶対必要な]物
e.g. we had only the bare essentials in the way of gear.
〖the ~s〗 最重要事項, 要点
e.g. he was quick to grasp the essentials of an opponent's argument.