generated at
e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + limen, limin-threshold
source: [自動排除開始|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3511630]

verb with object
completely remove or get rid of (something):
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉 «…から» 〈不必要な物・人〉を削除, 排除する, 除く
e.g. a policy that would eliminate inflation.
exclude (someone or something) from consideration:
【考慮などから】〈人・物〉をはずす, 無視する «from»
e.g. the police have eliminated Larry from their inquiries.
⦅書⦆ 〈敵・人〉を殺す, 抹殺する
e.g. security agents have started a campaign to eliminate some of the government's opponents.
(usually be eliminated) exclude (a person or team) from further participation in a sporting competition following defeat or inadequate results:
e.g. the Bears were eliminated from the playoffs in the first round.
Mathematics remove (a variable) from an equation, typically by substituting another that is shown by a different equation to be equivalent.
〘数〙 …を消去する
Chemistry generate or remove (a simple substance) as a product in the course of a reaction involving larger molecules.
〘生理〙 〈老廃物〉を排泄, 排出する

eliminable | əˈlimənəb(ə)l | adjective
eliminator | əˈliməˌnādər | noun
eliminatory | əˈlimənəˌtôrē | adjective

mid 16th century (in the sense ‘drive out’): from Latin eliminat-turned out of doors’, from the verb eliminare, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + limen, limin-threshold’.