generated at
point 殺す
kill: 手段・意図・対象などを問わず, 「殺す」を意味する最も一般的な語
murder: 故意にまたは違法に人を殺すの意
assassinate: 特に政治的な理由で政治家・著名人などの要人を殺すの意
slaughter: 特に多数の人を虐殺するの意だが, 食用に動物を殺す意でも用いられる
massacre: 特に無防備な人を大量に殺すの意
slay: 人を殺害, 虐殺するの意で, 新聞の見出しや古い物語によく用いられる

the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another:
殺人, 殺害, 人殺し; 殺人(に相当する)行為; C殺人事件 (!murderは故意の, 計画的な殺人, manslaughterは計画性のない殺人, homicideは主に⦅米⦆ で殺意の有無に関わらず使われる)
e.g. the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer
e.g. he was put on trial for attempted murder.
⦅話⦆ (非常に)困難, 不快, やっかいなもの, こと
e.g. my first job at the steel mill was murder.

verb with object
kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation:
〈人が〉(故意に)〈人〉を殺す, 殺害する (!主語が人である点に注意)
e.g. somebody tried to murder Joe.
informal punish severely or be very angry with:
⦅話⦆ «…のことで» …に激怒する «for» (!警告などで)
e.g. my father will murder me if I'm home late.
informal conclusively defeat (an opponent) in a game or sport.
⦅英・くだけて⦆ (団体競技などで)〈人〉を打ち負かす
⦅くだけて⦆ (下手な演奏・演技・使い方などで)〈歌・芝居・言葉など〉を台なしにする(spoil)
e.g. the only thing he had murdered was the English language.

informal succeed in doing whatever one chooses without being punished or suffering any disadvantage.

murder one (or two)
North American informal first-degree (or second-degree) murder.

murder will out
murder cannot remain undetected.

scream (or yell) bloody murder (British scream blue murder or yell blue murder)
informal make an extravagant and noisy protest: she had tripped and was screaming bloody murder.

Old English morthor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moord and German Mord, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit marádeath’ and Latin mors; reinforced in Middle English by Old French murdre.