generated at

point 類義 garbageとtrash, rubbish, refuseなど
garbage: 〘主に米〙 で, 特に台所で出るごみ(生ごみ・空き缶・空き容器など)
trash: 〘米〙 で, 部屋で出る乾燥したごみ(紙くず・包装紙・ダンボールなど)を主にさす
rubbish: 〘主に英〙 でgarbage, trashを含む身の回りのごみ・くずをいう
refuse: 〘かたく〙 で, 家庭ごみから事業系ごみまで廃棄物を広く意味する
litter: 道路などの公共の場に散乱したごみ・くず
waste: 一般[産業]廃棄物・排水・排泄物といった不用になったものを言い, 時に再利用もされる
ちなみに, 燃えるごみはburnables, 燃えないごみはnon-burnables, unburnables, incombustibles, リサイクル可能なごみはrecyclable garbage [waste, trash, rubbish, refuse] などで表せる (!用例は→ burnable)

point RAVAGE, DEVASTATE, WASTE, SACK, PILLAGE, DESPOIL mean to lay waste by plundering or destroying.
RAVAGE implies violent often cumulative depredation and destruction.
e.g. a hurricane ravaged the coast
DEVASTATE implies the complete ruin and desolation of a wide area.
e.g. an earthquake devastated the city
WASTE may imply producing the same result by a slow process rather than sudden and violent action.
e.g. years of drought had wasted the area
SACK implies carrying off all valuable possessions from a place.
e.g. barbarians sacked ancient Rome
PILLAGE implies ruthless plundering at will but without the completeness suggested by SACK.
e.g. settlements pillaged by Vikings
DESPOIL applies to looting or robbing without suggesting accompanying destruction.
e.g. the Nazis despoiled the art museums

1. with object use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose:
〖waste A(on B)〗 (B〈人・物・事〉に)A〈金・精力・時間など〉をむだに使う, 浪費する; 〖waste A(in) doing〗 …してA〈時間・精力・金・など〉を浪費する (!inを省略するのは⦅くだけて⦆ ) ; 〈機会・才能など〉をのがす, 生かさない
e.g. we can't afford to waste electricity
e.g. I don't use the car, so why should I waste precious money on it?
〖be ~d on A〗 〈善意・言葉などが〉A〈人〉に通じない, 理解されない
e.g. her small talk was wasted on this guest.
〖be ~d in [as] A〗 〈人(の能力)などが〉A〈仕事〉において[A〈職業など〉として]本領を発揮していない
e.g. we're wasted in this job.
2. no object (of a person or a part of the body) become progressively weaker and more emaciated:
waste away:〈人が〉(病気・心配などで)だんだんとやせる, 衰える; 〈体力・筋肉などが〉(徐々に)減っていく, 消耗する(away)
e.g. she was visibly wasting away.
with object archaic make progressively weaker and more emaciated:
e.g. these symptoms wasted the patients very much.
3. with object literary devastate or ruin (a place):
〈土地・国など〉を荒らす, 荒廃させる (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. he seized their cattle and wasted their country.
North American informal kill or severely injure (someone):
⦅主に米俗⦆ 〈人〉を消す, 殺す; (試合などで)〈人・チームなど〉をあっさり負かす
e.g. I saw them waste the guy I worked for.
4. no object literary (of time) pass away; be spent:
〈人が〉むだ遣いする, 浪費する
e.g. the years were wasting.

adjective attributive
不用の, 廃物の; くずの; 廃(棄)物用の
e.g. ensure that waste materials are disposed of responsibly
e.g. plants produce oxygen as a waste product.
2. (of an area of land, typically in a city or town) not used, cultivated, or built on:
荒れ果てた, 不毛の; 未開墾の
e.g. a patch of waste ground.

1. an act or instance of using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose:
むだ(遣い), 浪費, 空費; 〖a ~〗 むだになるもの
e.g. it's a waste of time trying to argue with him
e.g. they had learned to avoid waste.
archaic the gradual loss or diminution of something:
消耗; 損傷, 荒廃; 衰弱
e.g. he was pale and weak from waste of blood.
2. material that is not wanted; the unusable remains or byproducts of something:
〖または ~s〗 廃物, くず, ごみ; 老廃物, 廃棄物; 排泄(はいせつ)物
e.g. bodily waste
e.g. hazardous industrial wastes.
3. (usually wastes) a large area of barren, typically uninhabited land:
⦅主に文・かたく⦆ ; 〖通例~s; しばしば修飾語句を伴って〗 荒地, 荒野; 荒涼とした光景(→ desert)
e.g. the icy wastes of the Antarctic.
4. Law damage to an estate caused by an act or by neglect, especially by a life-tenant.

be unused or expended to no purpose.

completely destroy:
e.g. a land laid waste by war.

proverb if you use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance you will never be in need.

wasteless adjective

Middle English: from Old Northern French wast(e) (noun), waster (verb), based on Latin vastus ‘unoccupied, uncultivated’.