[*** \mathrm{process}^1] |ˈpräˌses, ˈprōˌses|
(事のなされる)過程, (事の)進行, (時の)経過
e.g. military operations could jeopardize the peace process.
e.g. the aging process.
(一連の)方法, 手順, 工程, (多くの工程を経る)製法
e.g. the modern block printer needs to accommodate all the traditional factory processes in one shop.
e.g. process inks.
verb with object
〈原料・食材〉を加工処理する, 加工貯蔵する, 〈化学物質・核燃料など〉を処理する
e.g. the various stages in processing the wool.
〈情報・文書・取引など〉を処理する, 手続きをする; 処置する
e.g. the immigration authorities who processed him.
be continuing with an action already started:
e.g. a hurricane that was in the process of devastating South Carolina.
as an unintended part of a course of action:
e.g. she would make him pay for this, even if she killed herself in the process.
as time goes on:
e.g. daughters and sons may find themselves, in process of time, caring for their elderly parents.
[*** \mathrm{process}^2] |prəˈses|
verb no object, with adverbial of direction
⦅かたく⦆ (ゆっくりと)列をなして歩く, 行進する
e.g. they processed down the aisle.