generated at

point EJECT, EXPEL, OUST, EVICT mean to drive or force out.
EJECT carries an especially strong implication of throwing or thrusting out from within as a physical action.
e.g. ejected an obnoxious patron from the bar
EXPEL stresses a thrusting out or driving away especially permanently which need not be physical.
e.g. a student expelled from college
OUST implies removal or dispossession by power of the law or by force or compulsion.
e.g. police ousted the squatters
EVICT chiefly applies to turning out of house and home.
e.g. evicted for nonpayment of rent

verb (expels, expelling, expelled) with object
deprive (someone) of membership of or involvement in a school or other organization: 学校や他の組織の会員権、参加を(人から)奪う
〖通例be ~led〗 〈人が〉 «…から/…のために» 追い出される, 退学, 除名させられる(dismiss) «from/for»
e.g. she was expelled from school.: 彼女は学校から退学させられた。
force (someone) to leave a place, especially a country.: 場所、特に国を離れることを(人に)強いる
«場所から/…のために» 〈外国人など〉を追い出す, 追い払う «from/for» (!しばしば受け身で)
force out or eject (something), especially from the body: (物)、特に身体から無理やり外に出す、排出する
【体や容器から】〈空気・水・ガスなど〉を押し出す, 吐き出す, 〈弾丸〉を発射する(eject) «from»
e.g. she expelled a shuddering breath.: 彼女は震えるような行きを吐き出した。

expellable adjective
expellee | ˌekspelˈlē | noun

late Middle English: from Latin expellere, from ex-out’ + pellere ‘to drive’.