generated at
sub-from below’ + penderehang

point DEFER, POSTPONE, SUSPEND, STAY mean to delay an action or proceeding.
DEFER implies a deliberate putting off to a later time.
e.g. deferred buying a car until spring
POSTPONE implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time.
e.g. the game is postponed until Saturday
SUSPEND implies temporary stoppage with an added suggestion of waiting until some condition is satisfied.
e.g. business will be suspended while repairs are underway
STAY often suggests the stopping or checking by an intervening agency or authority.
e.g. the governor stayed the execution

verb with object
1. temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect:
⦅ややかたく⦆ 〈人・組織などが〉(特に短期間)〈法的効力・資格・活動など〉を(正式に)停止, 中止, 中断する
e.g. work on the dam was suspended.
officially prohibit (someone) from holding their usual post or carrying out their usual role for a particular length of time:
〖通例be ~ed〗 〈学生が〉 【学校から】停学処分になる; 〈人が〉 【職・任務などから】(懲罰として)停職休職処分になる, 解任される «from» ; 〈選手が〉 【反則などで】出場停止処分になる «for»
e.g. two officers were suspended from duty pending the outcome of the investigation.
〈決定など〉を延期する, 見合わせる
e.g. the judge suspended judgment until January 15.
Law (of a judge or court) cause (an imposed sentence) not to be enforced as long as no further offense is committed within a specified period:
〘法〙 〈判決〉の執行を猶予する
e.g. the sentence was suspended for six months
e.g. (as adjective suspended) : a suspended jail sentence.
2. hang (something) from somewhere:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈物など〉をつるす; 〖be ~ed〗 〈物・人が〉 «…で/…から» つるされている, ぶら下がっている «by, on/from»
e.g. the light was suspended from the ceiling.
3. (be suspended) (of solid particles) be dispersed throughout the bulk of a fluid:
〖通例be ~ed〗 〈粒子などが〉 【液体の中・空中などに】浮かんでいる, 浮遊している «in»
e.g. the paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution.

temporarily allow oneself to believe something that isn't true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.

(of a company) cease to meet its financial obligations as a result of insolvency or insufficient funds.