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[*** \mathrm{defer}^1] | dəˈfər |

point 延期する
put off, postpone: 何らかの事由により, 特定の時期まで催事・行為などを遅らせること
put offの方が口語的
defer: 意図的に行為・行事などを延期すること
delay: 主に事故・悪天候などにより, 当初の予定を遅らせてしまうこと
hold off: (法律上の)決定などを先送りすること
adjourn: 会議などを次回まで中断させること

point DEFER, POSTPONE, SUSPEND, STAY mean to delay an action or proceeding.
DEFER implies a deliberate putting off to a later time.
e.g. deferred buying a car until spring
POSTPONE implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time.
e.g. the game is postponed until Saturday
SUSPEND implies temporary stoppage with an added suggestion of waiting until some condition is satisfied.
e.g. business will be suspended while repairs are underway
STAY often suggests the stopping or checking by an intervening agency or authority.
e.g. the governor stayed the execution

source: [24時間の猶予をくれる男性|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3426351]

verb (defers, deferring, deferred) with object
put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone: 後の時間まで(行為や出来事を)延期する: 延期する
⦅かたく⦆ «…まで» 〈決定・支払いなど〉を引き延ばす, 延期する; 〖~ doing〗 «…まで» …するのを延期する(put back/off) «until, to» .
e.g. they deferred the decision until February.: 彼らは2月まで決定を延期する。
US historical postpone the conscription of (someone): (誰かの)徴兵を延期する
⦅米⦆ 〈人〉の徴兵を猶予する
e.g. he was no longer deferred from the draft.: 彼はもはや徴兵を猶予されない。

deferrable adjective

late Middle English (also in the sense ‘put on one side’): from Old French differerdefer or differ’, from Latin differre, from dis-apart’ + ferrebring, carry’. Compare with defer2 and differ.

[*** \mathrm{defer}^2] | dəˈfər |
verb (defers, deferring, deferred) no object (defer to)
submit humbly to (a person or a person's wishes or qualities): (人や人の願い、性質)に謙遜して服従する
⦅かたく⦆ (敬意を表して) 【人の】言う通りにする, 【他人の意見を】受け入れる «to» .
e.g. he deferred to Tim's superior knowledge.: 彼はティムの優れた知識を受け入れた。


late Middle English: from Old French deferer, from Latin deferrecarry away, refer (a matter)’, from de-away from’ + ferrebring, carry’. Compare with defer1.