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1. a preliminary version of a piece of writing:
«…の» 下書き, 草稿, 草案; 下図, 設計図 «of, for»
e.g. the first draft of the party's manifesto
e.g. as modifier : a draft document.
(in full draft mode) Computing a mode of operation of a printer in which text is produced rapidly but with relatively low definition.
⦅主に米⦆ ; 〖the ~〗 徴兵(⦅英⦆ conscription)
e.g. 25 million men were subject to the draft
e.g. as modifier : draft cards.
North American a procedure whereby new or existing sports players are made available for selection or reselection by the teams in a league, usually with the earlier choices being given to the weaker teams.
⦅米⦆ 〖通例単数形で〗〘スポーツ〙 ドラフト制度
rare a group or individual selected from a larger group for a special duty, e.g., for military service.
3. (British draught) a current of cool air in a room or other confined space:
(冷たい)すきま風, 通風; (火への)通気; 通風装置
e.g. heavy curtains at the windows cut out drafts.
4. (British draught) the action or act of pulling something along, especially a vehicle or farm implement.
(荷物などを)引くこと, 牽引(けんいん); C引かれるもの; 一網の漁獲量.
5. a written order to pay a specified sum; a check.
⦅主に英⦆ 〘経〙 為替手形, 小切手; ; U(手形による金の)引き出し, 手形振り出し
6. (British draught) a single act of drinking or inhaling:
e.g. she downed the remaining beer in one draft.
the amount swallowed or inhaled in a single act of drinking or inhaling:
⦅かたく⦆ 一飲み[吸い]の量; ⦅文/古⦆ 水薬の1回分
e.g. he took deep drafts of oxygen into his lungs.
7. (British draught) the depth of water needed to float a ship:
〘海〙 (船の)喫水
e.g. the shallow draft enabled her to get close to shore.
8. (British draught) the drawing in of a fishing net.
the fish taken at one drawing; a catch.

verb with object
〈手紙・本・演説など〉の下書き[草稿]を書く, …を起草する; …の下図を描く
e.g. I drafted a letter of resignation.
2. select (a person or group of people) for a certain purpose:
⦅主に英⦆ «…に/…するために» 〈人〉を選抜する, 派遣する, 投入する(in) «into/to do»
e.g. he was drafted to help with the task force on best safety practices.
⦅主に米⦆ ; 〖通例be ~ed〗 【軍隊などに】徴兵される «into»
North American select (a player) for a sports team through the draft.
⦅米⦆ 〈新人選手〉をドラフトでとる
3. pull or draw.
4. no object Motorsports benefit from reduced wind resistance by driving very closely behind another vehicle.

adjective (British draught) attributive
1. denoting beer or other drink that is kept in and served from a barrel or tank rather than from a bottle or can:
たる抜きの, たるから出した〈ビールなど〉
e.g. draft beer.
2. denoting an animal used for pulling heavy loads:
e.g. draft oxen.

(of beer or other drink) on tap; ready to be drawn from a barrel or tank; not bottled or canned.

drafter |ˈdraftər| noun

mid 16th century: phonetic spelling of draught.