generated at
se-apart’ + legerechoose

point 選ぶ
choose: 最も一般的な語で, 二つ以上の中から選ぶこと
自由に好きなものを選ぶことを意味する最も一般的な語で, 目的語なしでも使える
select: 三つ以上の多数の中から比較して, 最良のものを選考すること
〘ややかたく〙 で, 通例いくつかの選択肢から選択方法にもこだわりながら最適なものを選りすぐることをいう
pick (pick out): 大勢から一つを選び出すこと. select より口語的
〘ややくだけて〙 で, 重要でないものの選択や気軽に選択する行為をさす際に好まれる
elect: 公正な選挙・投票によって人を重要な職に選ぶこと
prefer: 二つのうちの一つを話者の個人的嗜好・判断で選ぶこと
take: 選び取ること

point CHOOSE, ELECT, and SELECT mean to decide upon one possibility from among several.
CHOOSE is used for making a decision after careful thought.
e.g. She chose to follow the right course.
ELECT may be used for the deliberate picking of one thing over another.
e.g. Voters elect one candidate for president.
SELECT is used when there are many things from which to choose.
e.g. Customers may select from a variety of goods.

verb with object
carefully choose as being the best or most suitable:
〖~ A to do〗 …するように, ためにA〈人・物〉を選ぶ
e.g. with object and infinitive : he has been selected to take part
選ぶ, 選択する, 精選する
e.g. no object : you can select from a range of quality products
«…から/…に» (慎重に)〈人・物〉を選ぶ, 選択する, 精選する «from/for» (!日常英語ではchooseを用いる方が普通)
e.g. students must select their own program.
e.g. a phenotype can be selected against.
use a mouse or keystrokes to mark (something) on a computer screen for a particular operation.

(of a group of people or things) carefully chosen from a larger number as being the best or most valuable:
〖名詞の前で〗特別に選ばれた, より抜きの, 極上の〈人・物〉
e.g. he joined his select team of young Intelligence operatives.
(of a place or group of people) only used by or consisting of a wealthy or sophisticated elite; exclusive:
〖通例名詞の前で〗上流階級限定の〈社交場・会など〉, 高級な〈住宅街〉
e.g. the opera was seen by a small and highly select audience.

selectable adjective
selectness |səˈlek(t)nəs| noun

mid 16th century: from Latin select-chosen’, from the verb seligere, from se-apart’ + legerechoose’.