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1. excluding or not admitting other things:
〖通例名詞の前で〗唯一の, 単一の
e.g. my exclusive focus is on San Antonio issues.
unable to exist or be true if something else exists or is true:
矛盾する, 相いれない
e.g. these approaches are not exclusive; many students will combine them
e.g. mutually exclusive political views.
(of terms) excluding all but what is specified.
〖通例名詞の前で〗独占的な, 専有的な; 〖be ~〗 【物・場所などに】専用の «to»
e.g. the couple had exclusive possession of the condo
e.g. the jaguar and puma are exclusive to the New World.
e.g. an exclusive interview.
e.g. exclusive designer jewelry.
〈場所・組織などが〉排他的な; 上流階級専用の; 高価な, 高級の
e.g. an exclusive Georgetown neighborhood.
4. predicative (exclusive of) not including; excepting:
exclusive of A: A〈税金・物・人など〉を除いて, Aを入れないで.
e.g. prices are exclusive of tax and delivery.

(新聞・雑誌の)独占記事(exclusive story); (テレビ局などの)独占報道

exclusiveness | ikˈsklo͞osivnis, ikˈsklo͞ozivnis, ekˈsklo͞osivnis, ekˈsklo͞ozivnis | noun

late 15th century (as a noun denoting something that excludes): from medieval Latin exclusivus, from Latin excludereshut out’ (see exclude).