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point FIT, SUITABLE, MEET, PROPER, APPROPRIATE, FITTING, APT, HAPPY, FELICITOUS mean right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance.
FIT stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for use or action.
e.g. fit for battle
SUITABLE implies an answering to requirements or demands.
e.g. clothes suitable for camping
MEET suggests a just proportioning.
e.g. meet payment
PROPER suggests a suitability through essential nature or accordance with custom.
e.g. proper acknowledgement
APPROPRIATE implies eminent or distinctive fitness.
e.g. an appropriate gift
FITTING implies harmony of mood or tone.
e.g. a fitting end
APT connotes a fitness marked by nicety and discrimination.
e.g. apt quotations
HAPPY suggests what is effectively or successfully appropriate.
e.g. a happy choice of words
FELICITOUS suggests an aptness that is opportune, telling, or graceful.
e.g. a felicitous phrase

right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation:
«…に/…するのに» 適した, 適切な, ふさわしい «for, to/to do» (↔ unsuitable)
e.g. these toys are not suitable for children under five.

suitableness |ˈso͞odəbəlnəs| noun

late 16th century: from the verb suit, on the pattern of agreeable.