generated at
profit: 利益(金銭面を強調)
benefit: 恩恵
advantage: 有利
use: 有益
good: useより口語的

source: [この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!の佐藤和真とアクアが異世界に順応するGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 862510]

1. an advantage or profit gained from something: 何かから得られた得や利益
利益, 利得; 利点, 特典; 恩恵; 成果 (!(1)具体例ではa ~/~s; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う. (2)主に金銭面を強調するprofitと違い, 得になること全般をさす)
e.g. enjoy the benefits of being a member: 会員になることの恩恵を楽しんで
e.g. tenants bought their houses with the benefit of a discount: 賃借人は割引の特典付きで彼らの家を購入した。
e.g. uninformed criticism is of benefit to no one.: 根拠のない批判は誰の利益にもならない。
2. a payment or gift made by an employer, the state, or an insurance company: 雇用者、国、保険会社によって作られた支払い、贈り物
⦅主に英⦆ (社会的弱者に対する)公的補助金, …手当
⦅主に米⦆ ; 〖通例~s〗 (保険制度・福利厚生による)給付金, 諸手当; 余得
e.g. welfare benefits: 福祉保険
e.g. wages and benefits.: 賃金と手当
3. a public performance or other entertainment of which the proceeds go to a particular charitable cause.: 慈善事業の団体に行く収益の公演や他のエンターテイメント

receive an advantage; profit; gain: 得を受け取る; 利益を得る; 手に入れる
〈人・物が〉 «…から» 利益, 助力を得る «from, by»
e.g. areas that would benefit from regeneration.: 再生から利益を得たエリア
with object bring advantage to: 〜に利益をもたらす
〈人・物が〉〈人など〉に利益, 助力を与える, …のためになる
e.g. the bill will benefit the nation.: その法案は国に利益をもたらすだろう。

1. historical exemption of the English clergy and nuns from the jurisdiction of the ordinary civil courts, granted in the Middle Ages but abolished in 1827.
2. ecclesiastical sanction or approval:
e.g. they lived together without benefit of clergy.

a concession that a person or fact must be regarded as correct or justified, if the contrary has not been proven:
? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as to whether it was deliberate or not.

1. in order to help, guide, or be of service to:
e.g. a man who has spent his life fighting evil for the benefit of the community.
2. in order to interest or impress someone:
e.g. it was all an act put on for his benefit.

often ironic explain or recount to someone at length:
e.g. the whole assembly was given the benefit of his opinions.

late Middle English (originally denoting a kind deed or something well done): from Old French bienfet, from Latin benefactumgood deed’, from bene faceredo good (to)’.