generated at

1. relating to the assistance of those in need: 困っている人々の援助に関する
【弱者などに】慈悲深い «to, toward» .
e.g. charitable works such as care of the sick.: 病気のケアのような慈悲深い仕事
(of an organization or activity) officially recognized as devoted to the assistance of those in need.: (組織や活動が)困っている人々の援助に捧げられるものとして公式にみなされている
〖名詞の前で〗慈善事業の, 慈善的な〈団体など〉
generous in giving to those in need.: 困っている人々に与えることに寛大な
寛容な, 寛大な〈考え・判断など〉
2. apt to judge others leniently or favorably: 温情的な、好意的に他者を判断する傾向のある
e.g. those who were less charitable called for his resignation.: 彼の辞任を求める寛大さのない人々


Middle English (in the sense ‘showing Christian love to God and man’): from Old French, from charite (see charity).